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Item:Legendary Robe of the Autumn Winds

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Legendary Robe of the Autumn Winds

Armor Type Clothing Legendary Robe of the Autumn Winds Shown.png
Feat Requirement None
Race Absolutely Excluded Warforged
Minimum Level 29
Binding Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Armor Bonus +15
Maximum Dexterity Bonus
Armor Check Penalty
Arcane Spell Failure
Durability 300
Material ClothIcon tooltip.pngCloth: Cloth is a very common material used in handwraps, robes, outfits. and other accessories.
Hardness 31
Base Value 001160550011,605ppIcon tooltip.pngPlatinum Piece 5gpIcon tooltip.pngGold Piece 
Location Needle in a Fey Stack, end chest
Enchantments Legendary Robe of the Autumn Winds.png
Upgradeable? Fully upgraded
Description This robe rustles softly, even when there is no wind.