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"Wretched child, in what arrogance have you dared summon me? I shall demand tribute for my patience! What is this mortal rabble doing here? Varath, answer your mother! Do not hide, child, or I shall rip your wings from your body!"

"Varath is dead, is he not? You have slain my most worthless child - I would thank you, but a Dragon deserves a better death than your puny hands can serve. Varath, I avenge you!"


Type: Dragon (List)

Race: Black Dragon (List)

Monster Manual classification: Dragon

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Boss: Red Named - Quest Boss

CR:  ♦21Normal ♥24Hard ♠30Elite

Attack: Acid Breath, Overrun, Tail whip, Wing Buffet

Special Qualities: See Invisibility


Description: Sinvala is an adult black dragon. Mother to Varath of Mired in Kobolds, she is a very challenging optional dragon you can slay after completing the quest. Or run away in fear as many an adventurer does.

Tips: Her acid breath does around ~140 dmg on elite without acid resistance, but it can be reflex saved against.