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Type: Dragon (List)

Race: White Dragon (List)

Monster Manual classification: Dragon

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Boss: Purple Named - Powerful Boss

CR:  ♦20Normal ♥21Hard ♠25Elite ♦28Epic Normal ♥31Epic Hard ♠63Epic Elite

Attack: Bite (Piercing, Claw (Slashing), Tail Whip (Bludgeoning + Knockdown).
Special Abilities:

  • Cold Breath (Heavy damage and can freeze you, rendering you helpless, or if you save - still heavily slowed) Reflex for half damage. Fortitude to negate the freeze.
  • Freezing Aura (Your movement is reduced by 25%, your attack rate by 15%, you are more vulnerable to cold, have a -1 penalty on attack rolls, AC, and reflex saves from the cold, and cannot tumble). Partially negated with freedom of movement, but your melee attacks will still be severely slowed.

Special Qualities: Immunity to Cold, Vulnerability to Fire takes 150% damage from fire, HP 12,000


Description: Grundaussir is one of the Dragons of Gianthold Tor. He and his master Jorgundal ar'Grund need to be killed nearly simultaneously (within 15 seconds) of each other.