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Force spells

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A form of energy attack based on raw magic power.

Force Spells[edit]

Name Description Classes
Alc Art Brd Clr Drd FvS Pal Rgr Sor Wiz War
Icon Enhancement Arcane Bolt.png
Arcane Bolt You fire a bolt of raw energy from your finger that deals 3 to 8 hit points of force damage per caster level to a single target. A successful Reflex save reduces the damage by half. This ability counts as a level 2 Wizard spell. D&D Dice: Deals 1d6+2 force damage per caster level.
  • As of Update 61 Patch 1, this uses your highest spell DC, although it still qualifies as an Evocation spell for the purpose of other effects.
Icon Arcane Pulse.png
Arcane Pulse A magical pulse of force reverberates through the target's body, dealing 3d6+6 force damage every 2 seconds for a duration of 16 seconds. This spell can stack on the target up to 5 times, increasing the damage with each stack.
  • Bug: Seems to deal a bit more damage than dice would indicate. [DDO Forums]
Arcane Tempest.gif
Arcane Tempest You create a storm of arcane energy that rains shards of force energy upon your foes. Any creatures caught within the storm take 7 to 12 per caster level in force damage every 2 seconds for a duration of 8 seconds. Targets first entering the storm may take a reflex save for half, but remaining in the storm they take damage with no saving throw. Damage progression caps at level 15 for 15 to 60 force damage. (Incorrect description. Actual damage calculates to 105 to 180 per 2 seconds) Icon Feat Past Life Artificer.png Icon Feat Past Life Sorcerer.png Icon Feat Past Life Wizard.png Icon Feat Past Life Warlock.png
Arcane Spell Chain Missiles.png
Chain Missiles A missile of magical energy darts forth and unerringly strikes its target inflicting 1d2+3 force damage. For every 2 caster levels beyond first you gain an additional missile, up to 10 missiles. After striking your target, the missiles explode outwards, striking other creatures near the primary target.

Bug: Chain Missiles shoots 1 large highly damaging magic missile at your target, which deals twice the force damage of a standard magic missile (2d2+6). Then 10 standard 1d2+3 missiles explode outwards striking randomly at nearby targets. You seem to get all 10 missiles regardless of your caster level. The magic missile damage is verified as 1d2+3.

Icon Feat Past Life Sorcerer.png Icon Feat Past Life Wizard.png
Elemental Prod Target enemy takes 1d6 per caster level in two of three elements (Fire, Force, or Electric) chosen randomly each time. Elementals are also Dazed. A successful Will save halves the damage and negates the daze.[UnverifiedIcon tooltip.png"A successful Will save halves the damage and negates the daze." has not been verified in-game. Please verify it!] Icon Feat Past Life Artificer.png
Force Missiles A powerful missile of magical force darts from your fingertips and unerringly strikes its target, inflicting 2d3+8 points of force damage.

You fire one additional missile for every four caster levels, up to a maximum of four missiles are caster level 12.

Icon Feat Past Life Sorcerer.png Icon Feat Past Life Wizard.png
Icon Ruin.png
Greater Ruin Deals 1000 untyped damage to a single enemy. (No saving throw.)
Icon Enhancement Incinerating Wave.png
Incinerating Wave Creates an incinerating wave of ki fire. This effect does 1d6+3 fire and force damage per caster level. This damage scales with 200% Melee Power. Icon Feat Past Life Paladin.png
Icon Enhancement Ki Bolt.png
Ki Bolt You fire a ki blast that deals 1d6 fire and 1d6 force damage per caster level to an opponent. This damage scales with 300% Melee Power. This ability has double normal spell range. Icon Feat Past Life Paladin.png
Ki Explosion Icon.png
Ki Explosion Waves of fire emanate from your body, dealing 1d6+3 fire and force damage per caster level to enemies in your vicinity, scaling with 300% Melee Power. For 20 seconds after you cast this spell, you benefit from Fire Shield: Hot, which prevents 50% of your incoming Cold damage and deals a small amount of Fire damage to attackers that strike you in melee. Icon Feat Past Life Paladin.png
Mage Armor An invisible, but tangible field of force surrounds an ally, providing a +4 armor bonus to AC for 5 minutes plus 1 minute per caster level. Icon Feat Past Life Sorcerer.png Icon Feat Past Life Wizard.png
Magic Missile A missile of magical energy darts forth and unerringly strikes its target inflicting 1d2+3 force damage. For every two caster levels beyond 1st, you gain an additional missile—two at 3rd level, three at 5th, four at 7th, and the maximum of five missiles at 9th level or higher. Unlike most spells, magic missile can pass through other monsters to reach your intended target. Icon Feat Past Life Sorcerer.png Icon Feat Past Life Wizard.png
Nightshield Grants a +1-3 Resistance bonus to saving throws, and protects from: Darkfire (possible bug), Magic Missiles, Force Missiles and Chain Missiles.

The save bonus increases to +2 at caster level 6 and +3 at caster level 9.

Icon Feat Past Life Cleric.png Icon Feat Past Life Druid.png Icon Feat Past Life Favored Soul.png Icon Feat Past Life Sorcerer.png Icon Feat Past Life Wizard.png Icon Feat Past Life Warlock.png
Prismatic Strike A brilliant ray of multicolored light projects from your finger. Ray spell. Enemy takes 1d6 per caster level in two of three elements (Fire, Force, or Electric) chosen randomly each time. The enemy is also subject to 2 of 3 CC effects chosen randomly each time:
  • Knock the target prone; a successful Fortitude save halves the damage and negates the knockdown.
  • Daze the target; a successful Reflex save halves the damage and negates the daze.
  • Reduce the target's melee and ranged damage by 25%; a successful Will save halves the damage and negates the penalty to attack damage.
Icon Feat Past Life Artificer.png Icon Feat Past Life Sorcerer.png
Icon Ruin.png
Ruin Deals 500 untyped damage to a single enemy. (No saving throw.)
Icon Salt Ray.png
Salt Ray A thin shaft of whirling salt crystals lances out from your crooked finger to strike and shred your foe. Your target takes 1d6+6 force damage per caster level, for a maximum of 10d6+60 at caster level 10. Targets that fail a fortitude save are also stunned (and helpless). Icon Feat Past Life Druid.png
Shield Grants a +4 shield bonus to Armor Class, and also negates the following spell effects of: Magic Missiles, Chain Missiles and Darkfire (Possibly a bug). Icon Feat Past Life Sorcerer.png Icon Feat Past Life Wizard.png Icon Feat Past Life Warlock.png
Icon Spirit Blades.png
Spirit Blades Create a series of spectral blades which fly at a nearby opponent. Each of the five blades does 10d6 Piercing and 5d6 Force damage.
Tactical Detonation.png
Tactical Detonation Causes an unstable ball of plasma to streak towards your enemy. The ball explodes on impact, knocking enemies to the ground and dealing 1d6+3 fire damage per caster level (a successful Reflex save reduces the fire damage by half and negates the knockdown effect) and 1d6+3 force damage per caster level (no save) to targets in the area. Icon Feat Past Life Artificer.png

See also[edit]

Monster DR and weaknesses