Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.
In addition, if you missed the initial giveaway for Slice of Life, you can claim it from Trilliya in the Hall of Heroes on Cormyr only through 5th February. edit
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9,196 edits and counting! |
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How do you kill someone with absolutely no life!? Aldyron has 5,000 edits - keep up the good work! |
About the editor[edit]
After using and loving this wiki for quite some time, I started spotting something missing here and there, little details, usually secondary, that I'm now contributing. This wiki, like most, is written by users for users: I'm gratified and thankful that someone took the time to help me without even knowing I exist, so now I'm trying to return the favor.
I acknowledge my guild mates' help in researching part of what I contribute to this wiki. Without their presence and protection (and patience) I wouldn't be able to find out everything I need. My thanks to Puro Caos.
About the player[edit]
Playing from Rome, Italy, Europe.
I'm a severely slow achiever. I've been playing for years, and my top-level character is just level 25. I just play for fun, the Korean pros would probably eat me for breakfast.
Do you know what a "rusher" is? Good, I'm the complete opposite, I define myself a "wallgazer". That is, I enjoy taking the time to look around me and take in everything I see, from the big picture to the little details and vice versa, sometimes stopping to gaze at the walls and examine the green plants hanging by the (dead) skeletons nailed to said walls. I prefer to go outside and appreciate architecture and wilderness, though. Someone was handsomely paid to design those placements and draw those textures, it is only fair I watch them at least once per quest. :-) On the other hand, during the hundredth same quest run, I'm as likely to rush as anyone else.
About the characters, all on Ghallanda[edit]
- Alaniel Jilmareth, retired. He demonstrated that an almost-naked solo low-level rogue-cleric elf with no property (not even material spell components) could successfully negotiate Kobold Island.
- Aldyron Avrasco, active. Yes, I *like* multiclassing. So? Family unrelated to the Jorascos. Former guild leader of Aldy's Angels, later joined sister guild Puro Caos (Italian, not Portuguese, not Brazilian, Italian) with all his guild members.
- Eaux d'Etoilette, active. The name's a pun on words: eau de toilette (which... literally... is what you find in the waterworks, if you stop to think about it...), etoile (which is what he aspires to be), a reference to some other bard with a name ending with X. I know the d' would require being houseborn, in a house that doesn't exist as yet, sorry about that.
- Firfilter Ashstake, waiting in line. The name's a pun on words: "FIR filter" as in "Finite Impulse Response filter" because he's more arcaneware than wetware, "fir" as in "Abies alba" and "ash" as in "Fraxinus excelsior" because he's a druid, "ashstake" as in the device commonly associated with vampire pacification.
- Fissione Impossibile, active. A Warforged exclusively dedicated to healing, every other consideration is secondary... someone made me notice that's the definition of "healbot". Oh, the two monk levels? For Evasion, mostly, and for Wisdom and Dexterity stances, and to check how high armor class can go without a shield by exploiting the Wisdom bonus. And yes, the name's a pun on words, that I think explaining would be an insult to your Int bonus; just note that to translate that title into Italian, you add an "e" after each word. Currently also employed as a model for docents on composite plating.
- Frizione Impossibile, waiting in line. Currently only employed as a model for docents on adamantine body.
- Fusione Impossibile, waiting in line. Currently only employed as a model for docents on mithral body.
- Illitteratus ir'Ritatus, active. A name that was probably written in the Draconic Prophecy under the heading "Handle with care (he can't read this anyway)". Oh, and a Latin pun on words referencing Eberron's noble surnames; that implies he's nobleborn, ugh.
- Kissaki Aotsuki, waiting in line. Just in case I find some reason to play a bladeforged. The first name, loosely translated from Japanese, means "blade's point" (but it has several nuances, just like a bladeforged passing through flesh in several ways with its several blades), the last name refers to the Blue Moon orbiting around Daisun.
- Lee'Zania Malarkin, active. I'm sorry to say, half paladin half sorcerer turned out to be less than ideal. But I find her too fun to play to retire her.
- Manesca Viva, active. The name's a pun on words: "manesca" means "prone to using her hands for violence", "viva" means "(feminine) alive", "esca viva" means "live bait". Conceived when I still had unclear ideas about a tank's role: she turned out a fine glass cannon.
- Otempora Omores, temporary. She's a disposable and recyclable wizard/fighter/monk/barbarian/whateverian. Fifth incarnation (not reincarnation), for now. I use her as a backdrop for shooting pictures of various items. And yes, the name's a (nice sounding, actually) pun on words, referencing Marcus Tullius Cicero's oration against Lucius Sergius Catilina; he also used it elsewhere, but I was about to name my character Catilina O'Mores, so...
- Sanguenero della Terra, waiting in line. The name's a reference (direct translation, almost) to "black blood of the earth". He's obviously black-skinned.
- Sesquipedale Arzigogolato, waiting in line. The name's *not* a pun on words, just difficult to pronounce. Blame Jack O'Neill and Douglas Adams for that idea.
- Stonewing d'Goldorak, active. The first name expresses my doubts about the agility and grace attainable by a dwarf, the last name is a cross-reference between Eberron's Soldorak dwarven clan and Japanese manga and anime robot Goldorak (the French name of Grendizer/Gurendaiza), that packs quite a punch. Yes, d', houseborn, sorry.
Charles Stross[edit]
I believe this deserves its own page: User:Aldyron/Charles Stross.
Notes to self[edit]
If you're not me, and you're reading this, you're not doing yourself a favor. :-)
To-do list[edit]
Reshoot these (camera, not repeating crossbow) with the floaty name shown (try to make'em smile for the camera):
- Smuggler's Rest
- Delera's Graveyard during Mabar Endless Night Festival (possibly impossible, now)
- Shadar-kai Midnight Stalker (with chain extended, see local file)
- Shadar-kai Night Stalker
Template:Poisondescription (adapt from Template:Diseasedescription, see also next section)
Template:Background note with / without gameplay effect
Check Cavalry Plate armor bonus
Check and update Vaults of the Artificers loot levels (3, 7 instead of 4, 8). Be wary of bugged descriptions (4-to-8 upgrades to 7). Be wary of different special abilities (see Repair Lore II gives 12%, used to give 2%).
Check / update Fatigued
Experiment: use dpl to link a special ability (e.g.: Vampirism) back to all weapons sporting that special ability (e.g.: to Item:Reward and all others); maybe include per-weapon notes (e.g.: "Only while on undead form" for Item:Souleater) in the special ability template; generalize technique for other templates and other destinations.
De-duplicate Karn Cold-Trail
Fire Resistance, Resistance to Fire, Fire Resistant, Resistant to Fire, Elemental Resistance, Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, Sonic (per the in-game Character Sheet): object properties, monster properties, character properties, spells, effects, disambiguations, search & correct in objects, monsters and characters.
Immunity, too.
Vulnerability, too.
Abrasive Breath: Piercing (Reflex save for half) + Disorientation (Fortitude save negates)
Madstone Shield: check mdb (altered by enhancements?)
Thunder-Forged Alloy Orb: check dmgtype (c'n'p?)
Epic Coronation Shield: check dmg (obsolete format)
Epic Shield of the Scorpion: check dmg (obsolete format)
Check cloth armors' armor bonus
Template:Diseasedescription: add type (Natural / Magical / Supernatural)
The Jorns
Check Lieutenant Ayurro: not rare? Only need 1 run without him to declare him rare. Consecutive runs with him since start of check: 7. Checked: confirmed rare.
Sub-race: Entombed Zombie, including Jezzerae
Wilderness Adventure Area, Public Area, Tavern Brawling Area, Quest... anything else?..
Template:Infobox-monster: add field "|MM type bug = None <!-- Options: Missing / Wrong / None. Missing: it should be listed in the in-game MM, but is not. Wrong: it's listed in-game as part of the wrong kind. None: no bug, the MM type is correct (default). -->" (see Kobold Petty Officer, Slave (Troll), Corrupted Fire Elemental) I've made changes to the |MM type=
field itself. Check with me on that. :) ShoeMaker (Contribs • Message • Email) 13:16, July 29, 2016 (EDT) -- Okay, updated the documentation -- diff 312809 ShoeMaker (Contribs • Message • Email) 13:42, July 29, 2016 (EDT)
Check Marut sub-race: do they all belong to the Golem race instead of the Inevitable race? Because the Inevitable does. Update: come to think of it, Tempest's Spine sports some pretty non-standard monsters... better triple-check the Inevitable in the Desecrated Temple of Vol, too.
Check rarity of Pack Leader: Repossession says it's not rare.
Useful / to remember[edit]
- My stuff on this wiki
- What's available here behind the curtain
- Wikiware: string manipulation
- Wikiware: loops
- Wikiware: functions & co.
- Wikiware: template noinclude, includeonly, onlyinclude
- Wikiware: template expansion limits and related
- Preprocessor info
- Wikipedia Template limits
- MediaWiki Help:Array - Summary of counts for template limits
- MediaWiki Help:Expansion
- MediaWiki Help:Expansion - Braces, pipes, and equals signs produced by expansion (parametric parameters are impossible)
- MediaWiki Help:Expansion - Intermediate results (tag nowiki displays the expanded wikitext)
- Wikiware: metaphorically flipping the omelette - inside out!
- MediaWiki Markup spec - Parser outline (the steps the parser actually goes through; also msgnw)
- MediaWiki Help:Magic words - Template modifiers (msgnw)
- MediaWiki Help:Template - msgnw
- Regular expressions, regex, regexp
I used to make lots of mistakes; so, in order to catch my own mistakes, I've trained myself to become a bit of a consistency nazi.
The following sortable tables should make it easier to identify pages (if any) in need of some tidying-up for consistent properties, both individually and as part of a database.
- Monster Manual
- Quest, Wilderness Adventure Area, Public Area
- User:Aldyron/Diagnostics/Quest consistency/Pages using Template Adpack
- User:Aldyron/Diagnostics/Items consistency/Pages using Template Quest (why didn't I think of this earlier?!?)
- Item namespace
- Item templates, wearable/wieldable
- User:Aldyron/Diagnostics/Items consistency/Pages using Template Named Armor
- User:Aldyron/Diagnostics/Items consistency/Pages using Template Named Clothing
- User:Aldyron/Diagnostics/Items consistency/Pages using Template Named Jewelry
- User:Aldyron/Diagnostics/Items consistency/Pages using Template Named Rune Arm
- User:Aldyron/Diagnostics/Items consistency/Pages using Template Named Shield
- User:Aldyron/Diagnostics/Items consistency/Pages using Template Named Weapon
- Item templates, collectable/craftable/tradeable/usable/ingredientable :-)
- User:Aldyron/Diagnostics/Items consistency/Pages using Template Collectable
- User:Aldyron/Diagnostics/Items consistency/Pages using Template Collectable2
- User:Aldyron/Diagnostics/Items consistency/Pages using Template Companion Certificate
- User:Aldyron/Diagnostics/Items consistency/Pages using Template Consumable
- User:Aldyron/Diagnostics/Items consistency/Pages using Template Ingredient
- User:Aldyron/Diagnostics/Items consistency/Pages using Template ItemDisplayComponent
- User:Aldyron/Diagnostics/Items consistency/Pages using Template ItemDisplayIngredient
- User:Aldyron/Diagnostics/Items consistency/Pages using Template Named Ingredient (obsolete)
- User:Aldyron/Diagnostics/Items consistency/Pages using Template Raw Crafting Item (obsolete)
- Item description templates
- User:Aldyron/Diagnostics/Items consistency/Pages using Template DR
- User:Aldyron/Diagnostics/Items consistency/Pages using Template Fortification
- User:Aldyron/Diagnostics/Items consistency/Pages using Template ItemGrantedFeat
- User:Aldyron/Diagnostics/Items consistency/Pages using Template MiscEffects
- User:Aldyron/Diagnostics/Items consistency/Pages using Template Parrying
- User:Aldyron/Diagnostics/Items consistency/Pages using Template Resistance
- User:Aldyron/Diagnostics/Items consistency/Pages using Template Save
- User:Aldyron/Diagnostics/Items consistency/Pages using Template Spellfocus
- User:Aldyron/Diagnostics/Items consistency/Pages using Template Spelllore
- User:Aldyron/Diagnostics/Items consistency/Pages using Template Spellpen
- User:Aldyron/Diagnostics/Items consistency/Pages using Template Stat
- User:Aldyron/Diagnostics/Items consistency/Pages using Template Unique enchantment
- Feats and the like
- User:Aldyron/Diagnostics/Items consistency/Pages using Template Feat
- User:Aldyron/Diagnostics/Items consistency/Pages using Template Enhancement table/item
- User:Aldyron/Diagnostics/Items consistency/Pages using Template Enhancement table/itemwlvl
- User:Aldyron/Diagnostics/Items consistency/Pages using Template Epic destiny table/itemwlvl
- Spells and the like
- Afflictions
- NPCs
- My own service tools
- User:Aldyron/Sandbox/Consistency list of monsters in habitat
- User:Aldyron/Sandbox/Template Consistency diagnostics sortable table
- User:Aldyron/Sandbox/Pages in icon categories
- User:Aldyron/Sandbox/Pages in icon categories with assorted and specific sizes
- User:Aldyron/Sandbox/Pages with icon titles
- User:Aldyron/Sandbox/Pages in category Icons by size and its subcategories
- To do
- User:Aldyron/Diagnostics/Monsters mislisted in the Monster Manual
- User:Aldyron/Diagnostics/Items consistency/Pages using Template Skills
- User:Aldyron/Diagnostics/Items consistency/Pages using Template SpellPower
- User:Aldyron/Diagnostics/Items consistency/Pages using Template TemporarySpellPower
- User:Aldyron/Diagnostics/Items consistency/Pages using Template tempspellamp
- Template (some are not categorized)
- "invalid entry"
- Sigh, not everything should be filed under "Items consistency"
User:Aldyron/Tutorial/DPL parameters
- Items
- User:Aldyron/Sandbox/Category Waist items experiment
- User:Aldyron/Sandbox/Template Named Clothing phantom
- User:Aldyron/Sandbox/Template Named Jewelry phantom (currently unnecessary: effectively redundant with Named Clothing phantom)
- User:Aldyron/Sandbox/Template Items by equipment slot
- User:Aldyron/Sandbox/Category Armor with dpl experiment
- User:Aldyron/Sandbox/Category Armor with ncl experiment
- User:Aldyron/Sandbox/Category Basic weapons experiment
- Monster Manual
- User:Aldyron/Sandbox/Monster Manual experiment
- User:Aldyron/Sandbox/Template Monster-for-lst (shelved indefinitely to pursue competing ideas)
- User:Aldyron/Sandbox/T'sarin for lst (shelved indefinitely to pursue competing ideas)
- User:Aldyron/Sandbox/Fiend Blood Troglodyte for dpl (shelved indefinitely to pursue competing ideas)
- User:Aldyron/Sandbox/Template Mm kind to category or volume
- Monsters in a quest
- Experiment: use dpl to compile a table/list of all monsters in a certain quest. Certainly requires more strictness in parameter habitat. If viable and useful, put it in Template:Quest. Since it must be extended to wilderness adventure areas and hostile public areas, it should be in a template all by itself, to be transcluded wherever needed.
- User:Aldyron/Sandbox/Missing in Action (this will eventually be the testbed for interaction with Template:Quest, but I don't need it, yet)
- User:Aldyron/Sandbox/Kobold Shaman for dpl
- User:Aldyron/Sandbox/Magefire Cannon for dpl
- User:Aldyron/Sandbox/Template Monster phantom for single-monster default
- User:Aldyron/Sandbox/Template Monster habitat-specific data
- User:Aldyron/Sandbox/Template Monster habitat-specific data phantom for single-monster habitat-specific override
- User:Aldyron/Sandbox/Template List of monsters in habitat
- User:Aldyron/Sandbox/Template Monster phantom for List of monsters in habitat default
- User:Aldyron/Sandbox/Template Monster habitat-specific data phantom for List of monsters in habitat habitat-specific override
- User:Aldyron/Sandbox/Template Monster phantom for List of monsters in habitat (shelved indefinitely to pursue competing ideas)
- User:Aldyron/Sandbox/Template Monster for dpl (shelved indefinitely to pursue competing ideas)
- User:Aldyron/Sandbox/Template Ibm quest data (shelved indefinitely to pursue competing ideas)
- Quests
- Auxiliary
- User:Aldyron/Sandbox/Very large static table experiment No templates
- User:Aldyron/Sandbox/Very large static table experiment Unexpanded templates (I haven't found a quick way to compile one, yet)
- User:Aldyron/Sandbox/Very large static table experiment Expanded templates (should be, but is currently not, derived from the previous one, for comparison purposes)
- Users
- Expendable
- To do
- Refer to User:Backley/Shops
Load interception and comparison[edit]
- Firefox: menu Tools / Web Developer / Network
- disable dplcache in page source
- edit constraints in page source
- copy & paste
- click on show preview in page
- click on row in Firefox's tool box
- click on Response (on the right)
- copy & paste
- extract "served in" and "newpp" comment blocks
- repeat edit to extract as needed
- do not save page (unless you need to)
- if needed, massage results for readability
- compare
... or something like that. Wireshark seems a tad overkill for this use case. :->
|category = Waist items <!-- NewPP limit report Preprocessor node count: 1979/1000000 Post-expand include size: 3055/2097152 bytes Template argument size: 354/2097152 bytes Expensive parser function count: 0/200 ExtLoops count: 0/250 --> </script><!-- Served in 3.756 secs. -->