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The Jailer

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The Jailer.jpg

Type: Evil Outsider (List)

Race: Devil (List)

Sub-race: Orthon (List)

Monster Manual classification: Orthon

Alignment: Lawful Evil

Boss: Purple Named - Powerful Boss

CR:  ♦26Normal ♥30Hard ♠36Elite


  • Attack Bonus:  ♦~70Normal
  • Attack Damage:  ♦~40-80Normal ♥~50-80Hard ♠~70-105Elite
  • Special Abilities - See below

Special Qualities: 


Description: The Jailer <Jailer of Shavarath> is one of the raid bosses of the Tower of Despair raid, introduced in Module 9. You'll first encounter him along with his partner the Judge in the Tower's first level..

Spells Known

None. The Jailer is a standard Orthon, just a bit larger and stronger then your average orthon.

Additional Spells/Special Abilities

  • Powerful Stomp Knockback: Very frequently he will raise his foot into the air and perform a mighty stomp which will send all nearby players flying across the arena. Since the first floor of the Tower of Despair is riddled with traps this can be very devastating. Be careful about where you choose to engage him!
  • Teleportation: He will infrequently use this to reach whoever he may be aggravated upon if they are out of range of his melee attacks. This also causes a complete reset of his aggravation, so watch out.
  • Shavarath Environmental Effects: Since you encounter him on his home plane, he cannot be banished. He also gains similar effects to Greater Heroism at all times. Luckily you also gain the benefits of Shavarath effects - This confers most of the benefits, namely +4 to attack rolls, saves and skills, but does not confer immunity to fear, nor bonus hitpoints.