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Elite Barbazu Legionnaire

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Elite Barbazu Legionnaire.png

Type: Evil Outsider (List)

Race: Devil (List)

Sub-race: Bearded Devil (List)

Monster Manual classification: Bearded Devil

Alignment: Lawful Evil

Rare: No

Organization: Teams of four at a time

CR:  ♦23Normal ♥25Hard ♠31Elite

Attack: Hellspear (Slashing), On crit: Cursed Wounds (Same as Suulomades - prevents healing)

Special Qualities: DR 20/Good, Mandate of Shavarath


Description: These Elite Barbazu Legionnaire are far more powerful then your average Barbazu. They hit much harder, and have far superior Hit points, saving throws and spell resistance to any other you'll encounter. They possess all the same abilities except one: Their Bleeding Wounds ability is vastly upgraded to Cursed Wounds, which inflicts a curse that prevents any positive energy based healing (Repair spells will still work on warforged, and negative energy on Palemasters). However they only crit on a natural 20 - half as often as Suulomades himself who crits on a 19-20.