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Postern Gate Wilds

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This page is about a wilderness adventure area that no longer exists in-game.  It has been replaced by the Cerulean Hills.
If you can verify that the wilderness adventure area still exists, please edit this page and remove this template.

An outdoor zone once was accessible from south east end of the Harbor. There just were small encounters with wolves, worgs and scorpions granting little xp.

Postern Gate Wilds

As of mod 4.0, this place has removed from the game and replaced by the Cerulean Hills.

Although the Wilds are no longer officially accessible, you can visit the outside ridges by going to The Unassigned, a large area in DDO containing pieces of defunct content. (Note that getting to the Unassigned can be difficult, as entrances are usually removed shortly after being discovered.) This was particularly easy when the entrance in the Gatekeeper's Grove was still unpatched, as the two areas were very close to each other. They are shown also in this video: