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Basmore Trask

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Name: Basmore Trask

Race: Drow Elf

Gender: Male

Bestows Quest(s): Reign of Madness

Affiliation(s): The Twelve

Location: Tower of the Twelve, Basmore Trask is in the center of the tower, near the fountain.

Description: <Augur of the Twelve>

Notes: For completing all quests in the story arc, Basmore offers you some of the Reign of Madness reward items.

  • Basmore Trask: Welcome to the Tower of the Twelve, <name>. Our organization is devoted to the study of the arcane arts. While conducting our research we sometimes learn about magical threats to our city, our world, or even our entire plane of existence.
    This is one of those times. Our world if threatened by the Lord of Eyes, an insane creature with the power of a god!
    Yet we are scholars, not warriors. Dealing with the Lord of Eyes requires an... aggressive approach. That means we need an adventurer such as yourself. Will you help us? You will be amply rewarded.
    • You: Who is this Lord of Eyes, and why is he such a threat?
  • Basmore Trask: The Lord of Eyes is one of the Daelkyr, mighty beings from Xoriat, the Plane of Madness. In ages past the Daelkyr threatened Eberron, but they were defeated and magically imprisoned deep inside the depths of Khyber. The Lord of Eyes was trapped there for countless years... until now.
    I have foreseen a great calamity - the Lord of Eyes freed from his prison, Stormreach threatened, the Tower of the Twelve itself in the grip of madness.
    Yet in my vision of madness I saw one glimmer of hope. And that hope is you.
    • You: I'd be happy to help the Twelve fight the Lord of Eyes.
      • Basmore Trask: Your first task appears to be a simple matter.... Note that I say, "appears". One of our apprentices has lost a powerful artifact belonging to the Lord of Eyes. You must do your best to retrieve it.
        Speak with Rorry Malcanus - he's outside by the caravan campfire, across from the Sleeping Spell Inn. Go easy on the poor lad. He doesn't understand that he is only playing a part in a story that fate has already written.
        • You: I'll go talk to Rorry Malcanus.(Quest bestowed)
    • You: And who might you be?
      • Basmore Trask: I am an Augur of the Twelve. My job is to see into the future, and the future I see is grim. It is a future where men run mad through the streets of the city, a future where the good and the true are twisted beyond recognition, a future where hideous alien shapes lurk in dark corners. It is a future ruled by the Lord of Eyes!
    • You: I'm not interested in working for you. Goodbye. (leave)