Year of the Dragon: Through 31st July, claim free Red Dragon Wyrmling Creature companion! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.

If you are currently a VIP, you also have until the 27st of August to claim a free 1000 Sentient XP Gem from Reitz in the Hall of Heroes. edit

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The Tower of the Twelve

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Twelve symbol.png
Outside view
Interior view - look as of Update 11
Tower of the Twelve map.png

This tower in The Twelve houses a tavern, Magnus d'Orien the farshifter to Amrath, an arcane shop, the Altar of Insanity, and Jeanselme Brucetius the Patron of The Twelve.

Quest Givers[edit]


These researchers offer some dialog and useful knowledge to players.


Spirit Binder[edit]

Other NPCs[edit]

These NPCs offer a single line of dialog, mostly regarding The Twelve protocol.

  • Raya Timeron
  • Vyona Tablar
  • Serrano of the Sphere
  • Yorias Heyn
  • Vash Ch'thurn
  • Linna Regale
  • Jarn Leapbrook
  • Gladace Tiff

Tavern Patrons[edit]

  • Illiyana Parish
  • Finn Davies
  • Veej
  • Bathilda Flanworth
  • Runstable Flanworth
  • Mort Val Worte
  • Laraine Ivillys