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Innate Attack

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Innate Attack spells are Druid spells that require that the caster is wild-shaped into a particular form, for example Bear form for Roar (spell). Often, they are also Melee special attacks, i.e. they require that you hit a target in melee. The difficulty class (DC) to resist innate attacks (if any) is usually different from normal spell DCs; see spell description for details.

Name Description Classes
Alc Art Brd Clr Drd FvS Pal Rgr Sor Wiz War
Icon Baiting Bite.png
Baiting Bite Your jaws seem to come from every direction. This attack deals an extra +40% damage to the target, and also performs a bluff check using your spot skill [DDO Forums], which may leave your opponent open to sneak attacks and flanking, and temporarily reduces your threat generation by 25%. Icon Feat Past Life Druid.png
Icon Blighted Charge.png
Blighted Charge You leap forward with the speed and ferocity spewing blight around you as you pass. You attack enemies in your path, dealing an extra 50% damage, with a +1 bonus to critical threat & multiplier, and targets caught in your wake are Blinded and Helpless for 8 seconds. A successful reflex save negates this effect. For 10 seconds after the charge you gain +3 Imbue Dice.

Stun vs Reflex DC: 10 + Druid Level + Highest of Wisdom, Dexterity or Strength + Necromancy Bonuses.

Icon Feat Past Life Druid.png
Sp drd maul.png
Great Maul This attack deals an extra 30% to the target, +1 critical damage and threat multiplier, and applies a 6 second Stun. Striking the target successfully may also intimidate the target based on the player's Intimidate skill. A Fortitude save negates the stun. Icon Feat Past Life Druid.png
Icon Jaws of Doom.png
Jaws of Doom As your jaws close over your enemies, they feel their life end. This attack deals an extra +100% damage, +1 bonus to critical threat and multiplier, and your for must save vs Fortitude or dies as if slayed by a vorpal weapon (Does not affect Oozes, Undead, Constructs or Elementals). Death vs Fortitude DC: 10 + Druid Level + Highest of Wisdom, Dexterity or Strength + Necromancy Bonuses. Icon Feat Past Life Druid.png
Icon Jaws of Winter.png
Jaws of Winter As your jaws close over your enemies, they feel the deep cold of winter's heart close around them. This attack deals an extra +60% damage, has +1 bonus to critical threat and multiplier, and if it counts as a sneak attack, your foe is frozen solid for 30 seconds. Frozen creatures gain DR 5/Adamantine, but are considered helpless. Fortitude save negates, and the creature gets and additional save attempt every two seconds.

Stun vs Fortitude DC: 10 + Druid level + Highest of Wisdom, Dexterity, or Strength + Stun Bonuses

Icon Feat Past Life Druid.png
Sp drd maul.png
Maul This melee attack deals an extra +20% to the target, and applies a bleeding effect that deals 1d4 slash damage every 2 seconds for 8 seconds. Striking the target successfully may also intimidate the target based on the player's intimidate skill. Icon Feat Past Life Druid.png
Icon Relentless Onslaught.png
Relentless Onslaught Perform a melee attack that deals an extra +50% damage, has +1 bonus to critical threat and multiplier, and knocks your target down for 4 seconds. For up to 20 seconds afterwards, as long as the target stays down, every successful hit against the target has a 30% chance of knocking it down again. Icon Feat Past Life Druid.png
Sp drd roar.png
Roar You let out a menacing roar, drawing the attention of your foes. You generate 50% more hate for the duration of the spell. Icon Feat Past Life Druid.png
Icon Shred.png
Shred This attack deals an extra +30% damage to the target, with +1 bonus to critical threat and multiplier to the target, and you may reduce the target's Armor Class by 4 for a short time. Some creatures may be immune to the sunder effect. A successful Fortitude save negates this effect. (DC 10 + Half Druid Level + Highest of Wisdom or Strength + Sunder Bonuses) Icon Feat Past Life Druid.png
Icon Snowslide.png
Snowslide You leap forward with the speed and ferocity of a sudden avalanche. You attack enemies in your path, dealing an extra +30% damage, with a +1 bonus to critical threat and multiplier, and targets caught in your wake are frozen solid for 20 seconds. A successful reflex save negates the effect, and the creatures caught in the ice can attempt fortitude saves to escape every 3 seconds. Creatures frozen are considered helpless, but they also gain DR 5/Adamantine. Icon Feat Past Life Druid.png
Takedown icon.png
Takedown This attack deals an extra +20% damage, and you may trip the target, rendering it prone. Some creatures may be immune to this effect. A successful Balance check negates. (DC 10 + Half Druid Level + Highest of Wisdom, Dexterity, or Strength + Trip Bonuses) Icon Feat Past Life Druid.png
Icon Tremor.png
Tremor AOE melee strike that deals +20% damage, that causes the ground to tremble beneath your feet. Enemies around fall prone. A succesful balance checks negates.

Trip vs Balance DC: 10 + Druid level + Highest of Wisdom or Strength + Trip Bonuses

Icon Feat Past Life Druid.png