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Item:Stonedust Handwraps

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Stonedust Handwraps

Proficiency Class Exotic Weapon Proficiency Handwraps Generic.png
Accepts Sentience? No
Damage and Type [1d6] + 4 Bludgeon, Magic
Critical threat range 20 / x2
Weapon Type Handwrap / Bludgeoning weapons
Race Absolutely Required None
Minimum Level 10
Required Trait None
Use Magical Device DC No UMD needed
Attack Mod STR
Damage Mod STR
Binding Bound to Character on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
Durability 220
Made from ClothIcon tooltip.pngCloth: Cloth is a very common material used in handwraps, robes, outfits. and other accessories.
Hardness 23
Base Value 00040030004,003ppIcon tooltip.pngPlatinum Piece 
Weight 0.50 lbs
Location Eyes of Stone, End chest
Stonedust Handwraps.png

Fusible to

Description These strips of cloth seem to be always covered in dust and fine bits of rock. When striking enemies they will occasionally stun them or turn them to stone, and when wielded by a Monk in Earth Stance they will sometimes protect the wearer with stone as well.

The vampiric version may be very helpful for Path of Inevitable Dominion (dark) Monks who could use as a self-healing option they lack in comparison to their "Light" brethren.