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Item:Toven's Hammer

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Toven's Hammer

This item currently cannot be fed to sentient jewels and probably should be able to.

Minimum Level 19
Electrical Storm icon.png

Electrical Storm
Target:Foe, Directional, Breakable
Description:Fires electrical bolts at enemies. At higher charge levels multiple bolts are rapidly fired. Opponents struck by the crystals receive a Reflex save for half damage.
Charge Tier I: 4 to 10 ​ + 1 to 2 per Artificer Level
Charge Tier II: 5 to 15 ​ + 1 to 4 per Artificer Level
Charge Tier III: 6 to 20 ​ + 1 to 6 per Artificer Level
Charge Tier IV: 7 to 25 ​ + 1 to 8 per Artificer Level
Charge Tier V: 8 to 30 ​ + 1 to 10 per Artificer Level
Required Trait Artificer Rune Arm Use
Use Magical Device DC
Binding Bound to Character on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
Durability 235 / 235
Made from GemIcon tooltip.pngGem: Items made of gem are generally extremely durable and have a very high hardness. Most commonly used to make trinkets and docents.
Hardness 20
Base Value 001235000012,350ppIcon tooltip.pngPlatinum Piece 
Weight 0.25 lbs
Location The Master Artificer, Rightside End Chest

Alchemical Crafting

Description When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
Notes Drops on all difficulties. More frequently on higher difficulties.

This can be upgraded in two ways:

  • Alchemical Crafting: Can add Insightful Intelligence +2Icon tooltip.pngInsightful Intelligence +2: This item focuses the power of the wearer's mind, granting a +2 insight bonus to Intelligence., and Transform Kinetic EnergyIcon tooltip.pngTransform Kinetic Energy: Each time you are hit in melee combat there is a chance that the energy of the blow will be converted into Spell Points.
    • Upgrade 1: The Cerebral Distillation Unit needed for the upgrade drops from the master artificer "Destroy Soul-Cleansing Device" optional chest.
    • Upgrade 2: The Elemental Motion Fixation Device needed drops from The Lord of Blades "Grudge Maker" optional chest.
  • Cannith Crafting: Can add any effect which normally goes onto a craftable trinket. This has Prefix, Suffix and Extra slot available. The Minimum Level is fixed at 19, cannot apply min level shard. Disjuncting to prepare the item for Cannith Crafting removes both the Potency and the Exceptional Fortification properties. The Disjunction mouse-over does warn about this.
Toven's Hammer disjuncted.png
  • Upgraded Deconstruction: Deconstructing the rune-arm after you have upgraded Missing Parts//Alchemical Crafting will result in the following rune arm configuration:
Toven's Hammer (upgraded) disjuncted.png

Toven's Hammer orb.png

Toven's Hammer.png