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Item:Elemental Longbow of Earth

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Elemental Longbow of Earth[edit]
Level Enchantments Cost
Amount Ingredient 1 Ingredient 2 Ingredient 3 Epic Tokens
Level 4
+1 Enhancement BonusIcon tooltip.png+1 Enhancement Bonus: +1 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls., AcidIcon tooltip.pngAcid: This weapon is sheathed in corrosive acid. An acid weapon deals an extra 1 to 6 points of acid damage on a successful hit., Acid Resistance +11Icon tooltip.pngAcid Resistance +11: Passive: +11 Enhancement bonus to your Acid Resistance. 400 Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge ObsidianArrowhead.png Icon tooltip.pngObsidian Arrowhead, obtained in Lava Caves: Circles of Power Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge CrudeTalisman.png Icon tooltip.pngCrude Talisman, obtained in Kobold Island: Kobold Chaos
Level 8 (Tier 1)
+2 Enhancement BonusIcon tooltip.png+2 Enhancement Bonus: +2 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls., Acid, Acid ArrowIcon tooltip.png Acid Arrow: This weapon is sheathed in corrosive acid. A successful hit douses the target in acid causing an additional 2 to 8 damage every 2 seconds for 6 seconds. Multiple hits do not cause more damage but do extend the duration., Acid Resistance +18Icon tooltip.pngAcid Resistance +18: Passive: +18 Enhancement bonus to your Acid Resistance. 400 Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge IlluminatedManuscript.png Icon tooltip.pngIlluminated Manuscript, obtained in Dr. Rushmore's Mansion: Moving Targets Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge ObsidianArrowhead.png Icon tooltip.pngObsidian Arrowhead, obtained in Lava Caves: Circles of Power Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge CrudeTalisman.png Icon tooltip.pngCrude Talisman, obtained in Kobold Island: Kobold Chaos
Level 8 (Tier 2)
+3 Enhancement BonusIcon tooltip.png+3 Enhancement Bonus: +3 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls., Acid, Acid Arrow, Acid Resistance +20Icon tooltip.pngAcid Resistance +20: Passive: +20 Enhancement bonus to your Acid Resistance. 400 Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge IlluminatedManuscript.png Icon tooltip.pngIlluminated Manuscript, obtained in Dr. Rushmore's Mansion: Moving Targets Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge ObsidianArrowhead.png Icon tooltip.pngObsidian Arrowhead, obtained in Lava Caves: Circles of Power Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge CrudeTalisman.png Icon tooltip.pngCrude Talisman, obtained in Kobold Island: Kobold Chaos
Level 8 (Tier 3)
+3 Enhancement Bonus, Acid, Acid Arrow, Acid Resistance +22Icon tooltip.pngAcid Resistance +22: Passive: +22 Enhancement bonus to your Acid Resistance., Purple Augment SlotIcon tooltip.pngPurple AugmentsRed AugmentsBlue AugmentsColorless Augments 400 Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge IlluminatedManuscript.png Icon tooltip.pngIlluminated Manuscript, obtained in Dr. Rushmore's Mansion: Moving Targets Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge ObsidianArrowhead.png Icon tooltip.pngObsidian Arrowhead, obtained in Lava Caves: Circles of Power Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge CrudeTalisman.png Icon tooltip.pngCrude Talisman, obtained in Kobold Island: Kobold Chaos
Level 12 (Tier 1)
+3 Enhancement Bonus, Acid BurstIcon tooltip.pngAcid Burst: This weapon is sheathed in corrosive acid, and does 1 to 6 acid damage each hit. Critical hits deal an additional 1 to 10 acid damage for weapons with a x2 critical multiplier, 2 to 20 for a x3 multiplier and 3 to 30 for a x4 multiplier., Acid Arrow, DestructionIcon tooltip.pngDestruction: On Hit: Your target gains a stack of Armor Destruction. (-1 penalty to Armor Class, -1% of its Fortification. 20 Second Duration. Stacks up to 15 times.) This effect may trigger once every three seconds., Acid Resistance +24Icon tooltip.pngAcid Resistance +24: Passive: +24 Enhancement bonus to your Acid Resistance. 400 Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge NecromanticCharm.png Icon tooltip.pngNecromantic Charm, obtained in Kobold Island: The Disruptor Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge IlluminatedManuscript.png Icon tooltip.pngIlluminated Manuscript, obtained in Dr. Rushmore's Mansion: Moving Targets Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge ObsidianArrowhead.png Icon tooltip.pngObsidian Arrowhead, obtained in Lava Caves: Circles of Power
Level 12 (Tier 2)
+4 Enhancement BonusIcon tooltip.png+4 Enhancement Bonus: +4 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls., Acid Burst, Acid Arrow, Destruction, Acid Resistance +26Icon tooltip.pngAcid Resistance +26: Passive: +26 Enhancement bonus to your Acid Resistance. 600 Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge CrystallizedMagmaShard.png Icon tooltip.pngCrystallized Magma Shard, obtained in Lava Caves: Time is Money Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge NecromanticCharm.png Icon tooltip.pngNecromantic Charm, obtained in Kobold Island: The Disruptor Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge IlluminatedManuscript.png Icon tooltip.pngIlluminated Manuscript, obtained in Dr. Rushmore's Mansion: Moving Targets
Level 12 (Tier 3)
+4 Enhancement Bonus, Acid Burst, Acid Arrow, Destruction, Acid Resistance +29Icon tooltip.pngAcid Resistance +29: Passive: +29 Enhancement bonus to your Acid Resistance., Purple Augment SlotIcon tooltip.pngPurple AugmentsRed AugmentsBlue AugmentsColorless Augments 600 Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge CrystallizedMagmaShard.png Icon tooltip.pngCrystallized Magma Shard, obtained in Lava Caves: Time is Money Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge NecromanticCharm.png Icon tooltip.pngNecromantic Charm, obtained in Kobold Island: The Disruptor Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge IlluminatedManuscript.png Icon tooltip.pngIlluminated Manuscript, obtained in Dr. Rushmore's Mansion: Moving Targets
Level 16 (Tier 1)
+4 Enhancement Bonus, Acid Burst, Greater Acid ArrowIcon tooltip.pngGreater Acid Arrow: This weapon is sheathed in corrosive acid. A successful hit douses the target in acid causing an additional 2 to 8 damage every 2 seconds for 36 seconds. Multiple hits do not cause more damage but do extend the duration., Stone PrisonIcon tooltip.pngStone Prison: This weapon is invested with the power of the earth. On an attack roll of 20 which is confirmed as a critical hit it will attempt to turn the target to stone, as the Flesh to Stone spell. A successful Fortitude save (DC 27) negates this effect., Destruction, Acid Resistance +30Icon tooltip.pngAcid Resistance +30: Passive: +30 Enhancement bonus to your Acid Resistance. 600 Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge CrystallizedMagmaShard.png Icon tooltip.pngCrystallized Magma Shard, obtained in Lava Caves: Time is Money Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge NecromanticCharm.png Icon tooltip.pngNecromantic Charm, obtained in Kobold Island: The Disruptor Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge IlluminatedManuscript.png Icon tooltip.pngIlluminated Manuscript, obtained in Dr. Rushmore's Mansion: Moving Targets
Level 16 (Tier 2)
+5 Enhancement BonusIcon tooltip.png+5 Enhancement Bonus: +5 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls., Acid Burst, Greater Acid Arrow, Stone Prison, Destruction, Acid Resistance +32Icon tooltip.pngAcid Resistance +32: Passive: +32 Enhancement bonus to your Acid Resistance. 400 Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge OrthonMetalScrap.png Icon tooltip.pngOrthon Metal Scrap, obtained in Kobold Island: Short Cuts Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge JeweledGoblet.png Icon tooltip.pngJeweled Goblet, obtained in Dr. Rushmore's Mansion: Picture Portals Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge EnchantedArmorFragment.png Icon tooltip.pngEnchanted Armor Fragment, obtained in Extraplanar Mining: The Dragon's Hoard
Level 16 (Tier 3)
+5 Enhancement Bonus, Acid Burst, Greater Acid Arrow, Stone Prison, Destruction, Acid Resistance +35Icon tooltip.pngAcid Resistance +35: Passive: +35 Enhancement bonus to your Acid Resistance., Purple Augment SlotIcon tooltip.pngPurple AugmentsRed AugmentsBlue AugmentsColorless Augments 400 Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge OrthonMetalScrap.png Icon tooltip.pngOrthon Metal Scrap, obtained in Kobold Island: Short Cuts Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge JeweledGoblet.png Icon tooltip.pngJeweled Goblet, obtained in Dr. Rushmore's Mansion: Picture Portals Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge EnchantedArmorFragment.png Icon tooltip.pngEnchanted Armor Fragment, obtained in Extraplanar Mining: The Dragon's Hoard
Level 20 (Tier 1)
+5 Enhancement Bonus, Acid Burst, Greater Acid Arrow, Greater Stone PrisonIcon tooltip.pngGreater Stone Prison: This weapon is invested with the power of the earth. On an attack roll of 20 which is confirmed as a critical hit it will attempt to turn the target to stone, as the Flesh to Stone spell. A successful Fortitude save (DC 33) negates this effect., Improved DestructionIcon tooltip.pngImproved Destruction: On Hit: Your target gains a stack of Armor Destruction. (-1 penalty to Armor Class, -1% of its Fortification. 20 Second Duration. Stacks up to 15 times.) This effect may trigger once every second., DisintegrationIcon tooltip.pngDisintegration: This weapon has a dark, insidious power deep within. Occasionally, this power lashes out violently at enemies and attempts to disintegrate them., Acid Resistance +36Icon tooltip.pngAcid Resistance +36: Passive: +36 Enhancement bonus to your Acid Resistance. 600 Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge OrthonMetalScrap.png Icon tooltip.pngOrthon Metal Scrap, obtained in Kobold Island: Short Cuts Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge CrystallizedMagmaShard.png Icon tooltip.pngCrystallized Magma Shard, obtained in Lava Caves: Time is Money Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge NecromanticCharm.png Icon tooltip.pngNecromantic Charm, obtained in Kobold Island: The Disruptor
Level 20 (Tier 2)
+6 Enhancement BonusIcon tooltip.png+6 Enhancement Bonus: +6 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls., Acid Burst, Greater Acid Arrow, Greater Stone Prison, Improved Destruction, Disintegration, Acid Resistance +38Icon tooltip.pngAcid Resistance +38: Passive: +38 Enhancement bonus to your Acid Resistance., Colorless Augment SlotIcon tooltip.pngColorless Augments 600 Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge EpicOrthonMetalScrap.png Icon tooltip.pngEpic Orthon Metal Scrap, obtained in Kobold Island: Short Cuts - EPIC Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge EpicCrystallizedMagmaShard.png Icon tooltip.pngEpic Crystallized Magma Shard, obtained in Lava Caves: Time is Money - EPIC Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge EpicNecromanticCharm.png Icon tooltip.pngEpic Necromantic Charm, obtained in Kobold Island: The Disruptor - EPIC
Level 20 (Tier 3)
+6 Enhancement Bonus, Acid Burst, Greater Acid Arrow, Greater Stone Prison, Improved Destruction, Disintegration, Acid Resistance +41Icon tooltip.pngAcid Resistance +41: Passive: +41 Enhancement bonus to your Acid Resistance., Empty Colorless Augment Slot, Purple Augment SlotIcon tooltip.pngPurple AugmentsRed AugmentsBlue AugmentsColorless Augments 600 Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge EpicOrthonMetalScrap.png Icon tooltip.pngEpic Orthon Metal Scrap, obtained in Kobold Island: Short Cuts - EPIC Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge EpicCrystallizedMagmaShard.png Icon tooltip.pngEpic Crystallized Magma Shard, obtained in Lava Caves: Time is Money - EPIC Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge EpicNecromanticCharm.png Icon tooltip.pngEpic Necromantic Charm, obtained in Kobold Island: The Disruptor - EPIC 5epicdungeon.pngIcon tooltip.png 5 5 Tokens of the Twelve