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Hobgoblin Guard

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  • Jhan thakhaal! Nardhuuk!
  • Back to the city with you!
  • Tangleroot is hobgoblin territory!
  • Shaak! Ajatu urkut shaak!
  • Blood! Blood for the Skull!
  • Aaaaaaagh!
  • I'll cut you to pieces!
  • Only a scratch ...
  • Death to the Darguul-lovers!

Type: Goblinoid (List)

Race: Hobgoblin (List)

Monster Manual classification: Hobgoblin

Alignment: Lawful Evil

Rare: No

CR:  ♦2Normal ♥4Hard ♠7Elite

Attack: Halberd (Slashing + Trip), Throwing Spear (Piercing)

Special Qualities: Stealth


Description: Hobgoblins are big, burly, and hairy humanoids that stand over six feet tall. Basically overgrown goblins, hobgoblins use their bigger size and greater strength to their advantage.