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Legendary Green Steel items/Tier 3

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All the recipes listed here are used at the Legendary Altar of Devastation at the end of part 5 of The Codex and the Shroud.

Augment/Manufactured Ingredient Recipes[edit]

Used to make the augments to slot into your Green Steel blank of choice.

All Tier 3 weapon augments are considered "Double Shard"-equivalent upgrade. Thus they require additional secondary Foci (as shown by the extra column in the following table) and 4 Manufactured Ingredients in total.
  • They are not identical to Heroic versions, where they require combining Shards and 6 Manufactured Ingredients in total.
  • For Legendary Tier 3 recipes, Aspect Dominance mechanic in determining Primary and Secondary Focus is discontinued entirely. For example, when combining Heroic Acid Blast shard and Good Blast shard, what you get on combined shard was always Acid Blast, as Earth Aspect was dominant to Positive Aspect. On Legendary, you can go both ways as your wish; your choice is not limited to Earth/Good Acid Blast augment, now you can get Good/Earth Good Blast augment too.
Focus Essence Gem Equipment Augment Dual Weapon Shard Weapon Augment
Legendary Superior Focus of Air Legendary Pure Ethereal Essence Legendary Flawless Gem of Dominion Electric Spell Critical Damage 5% (Quality) Legendary Superior Focus of Any Essence Electric Spell Power - 37 (Exceptional)
Legendary Superior Focus of Earth Legendary Pure Ethereal Essence Legendary Flawless Gem of Dominion Acid Spell Critical Damage 5% (Quality) Acid Spell Power - 37 (Exceptional)
Legendary Superior Focus of Fire Legendary Pure Ethereal Essence Legendary Flawless Gem of Dominion Fire Spell Critical Damage 5% (Quality) Fire Spell Power - 37 (Exceptional)
Legendary Superior Focus of Water Legendary Pure Ethereal Essence Legendary Flawless Gem of Dominion Cold Spell Critical Damage 5% (Quality) Cold Spell Power - 37 (Exceptional)
Legendary Superior Focus of Negative Energy Legendary Pure Ethereal Essence Legendary Flawless Gem of Dominion Negative and Poison Spell Critical Damage 5% (Quality) Negative Spell Power - 37 (Exceptional)
Legendary Superior Focus of Positive Energy Legendary Pure Ethereal Essence Legendary Flawless Gem of Dominion Positive Spell Critical Damage 5% (Quality) Positive Spell Power - 37 (Exceptional)
Legendary Superior Focus of Air Legendary Pure Material Essence Legendary Flawless Gem of Dominion Electric damage on being hit - 15d6 Legendary Superior Focus of Any Essence Electric Blast damage on vorpal hit - 11d120
Legendary Superior Focus of Earth Legendary Pure Material Essence Legendary Flawless Gem of Dominion Acid damage on being hit - 15d6 Acid Blast damage on vorpal hit - 11d120
Legendary Superior Focus of Fire Legendary Pure Material Essence Legendary Flawless Gem of Dominion Fire damage on being hit - 15d6 Fire Blast damage on vorpal hit - 11d120
Legendary Superior Focus of Water Legendary Pure Material Essence Legendary Flawless Gem of Dominion Cold damage on being hit - 15d6 Cold Blast damage on vorpal hit - 11d120
Legendary Superior Focus of Negative Energy Legendary Pure Material Essence Legendary Flawless Gem of Dominion Evil damage on being hit - 15d6 Negative Blast damage on vorpal hit - 11d120, makes weapon Evil-aligned
Legendary Superior Focus of Positive Energy Legendary Pure Material Essence Legendary Flawless Gem of Dominion Good damage on being hit - 15d6 Good Blast damage on vorpal hit - 11d120, makes weapon Good-aligned
Legendary Superior Focus of Air Legendary Pure Ethereal Essence Legendary Flawless Gem of Escalation +6 Charisma Skills/+1 UMD (Quality), +75 Spell Points (Quality) Legendary Superior Focus of Any Essence +2 Charisma (Exceptional)
Legendary Superior Focus of Earth Legendary Pure Ethereal Essence Legendary Flawless Gem of Escalation +6 Wisdom Skills (Quality), +75 Spell Points (Quality) +2 Wisdom (Exceptional)
Legendary Superior Focus of Fire Legendary Pure Ethereal Essence Legendary Flawless Gem of Escalation +6 Intelligence Skills (Quality), +75 Spell Points (Quality) +2 Intelligence (Exceptional)
Legendary Superior Focus of Water Legendary Pure Ethereal Essence Legendary Flawless Gem of Escalation +6 Wisdom Skills (Quality), +75 Spell Points (Quality) +2 Wisdom (Exceptional)
Legendary Superior Focus of Negative Energy Legendary Pure Ethereal Essence Legendary Flawless Gem of Escalation +6 Intelligence Skills (Quality), +75 Spell Points (Quality) +2 Intelligence (Exceptional)
Legendary Superior Focus of Positive Energy Legendary Pure Ethereal Essence Legendary Flawless Gem of Escalation +6 Charisma Skills/+1 UMD (Quality), +75 Spell Points (Quality) +2 Charisma (Exceptional)
Legendary Superior Focus of Air Legendary Pure Material Essence Legendary Flawless Gem of Escalation +6 Dexterity Skills (Quality), +14 Hit Points (Quality) Legendary Superior Focus of Any Essence +2 Dexterity (Exceptional)
Legendary Superior Focus of Earth Legendary Pure Material Essence Legendary Flawless Gem of Escalation +6 Constitution Skills (Quality), +14 Hit Points (Quality) +2 Constitution (Exceptional)
Legendary Superior Focus of Fire Legendary Pure Material Essence Legendary Flawless Gem of Escalation +6 Dexterity Skills (Quality), +14 Hit Points (Quality) +2 Dexterity (Exceptional)
Legendary Superior Focus of Water Legendary Pure Material Essence Legendary Flawless Gem of Escalation +6 Strength Skills (Quality), +14 Hit Points (Quality) +2 Strength (Exceptional)
Legendary Superior Focus of Negative Energy Legendary Pure Material Essence Legendary Flawless Gem of Escalation +6 Strength Skills (Quality), +14 Hit Points Quality) +2 Strength (Exceptional)
Legendary Superior Focus of Positive Energy Legendary Pure Material Essence Legendary Flawless Gem of Escalation +6 Constitution Skills (Quality), +14 Hit Points (Quality) +2 Constitution (Exceptional)
Legendary Superior Focus of Air Legendary Pure Ethereal Essence Legendary Flawless Gem of Opposition +2 Reflex Save (Quality) Legendary Superior Focus of Any Essence +9 MRR (Exceptional)
Legendary Superior Focus of Earth Legendary Pure Ethereal Essence Legendary Flawless Gem of Opposition +2 Fortitude Save (Quality)
Legendary Superior Focus of Fire Legendary Pure Ethereal Essence Legendary Flawless Gem of Opposition +2 Reflex Save (Quality)
Legendary Superior Focus of Water Legendary Pure Ethereal Essence Legendary Flawless Gem of Opposition +2 Will Save (Quality)
Legendary Superior Focus of Negative Energy Legendary Pure Ethereal Essence Legendary Flawless Gem of Opposition +2 Fortitude Save (Quality)
Legendary Superior Focus of Positive Energy Legendary Pure Ethereal Essence Legendary Flawless Gem of Opposition +2 Will Save (Quality)
Legendary Superior Focus of Air Legendary Pure Material Essence Legendary Flawless Gem of Opposition +17 Electric Resistance (Competence) Legendary Superior Focus of Any Essence 35% Electric Absorption
Legendary Superior Focus of Earth Legendary Pure Material Essence Legendary Flawless Gem of Opposition +17 Acid Resistance (Competence) 35% Acid Absorption
Legendary Superior Focus of Fire Legendary Pure Material Essence Legendary Flawless Gem of Opposition +17 Fire Resistance (Competence) 35% Fire Absorption
Legendary Superior Focus of Water Legendary Pure Material Essence Legendary Flawless Gem of Opposition +17 Cold Resistance (Competence) 35% Cold Absorption
Legendary Superior Focus of Negative Energy Legendary Pure Material Essence Legendary Flawless Gem of Opposition +25 Negative Resistance (Enhancement), Deathblock 35% Negative Absorption
Legendary Superior Focus of Positive Energy Legendary Pure Material Essence Legendary Flawless Gem of Opposition +32 Unconsciousness Range, 4 healing every 10 seconds (Quality) +70 Healing Amplification (Competence). Note this does not stack with Healing Amp from random/crafted equipment. With update 36.2 it is confirmed that standard Healing Amp equipment gives a Competence type bonus and not Equipment as one might reasonably expect

Weapon bonus effects[edit]


  • As stated above, Aspect Dominance mechanic is discontinued for Legendary recipes. On the following table, order doesn't matter for Tier 1/2 AB and Tier 3 AB, as long as all the bits are in there; previously impossible Good Blast Mineral weapons and such is now possible.
  • Heroic Elemental Mastery (Fire/Water/Earth/Air) is changed to Legendary Tempered (Air/Earth/Air/Earth).
  • The other version of Heroic Elemental Mastery (Air/Earth/Water/Fire) is changed to Legendary BoLaS (Fire/Water/Fire/Water).
  • Bug: Weapon bonus effect such as Legendary Ice and Legendary Radiance that proc an enemy debuffing effect are affecting red and purple named monsters.
  • Update 29 Patch 1: Legendary Green Steel damage effects general no longer scale with Spell Power.
Name Tier 1/2 Focus A Tier 1/2 Focus B Tier 3 Focus A Tier 3 Focus B Weapon bonus effect Description
AAAa Legendary (Inferior) Focus of Air Legendary (Inferior) Focus of Air Legendary Superior Focus of Air Legendary Superior Focus of Air Legendary Air Strike Attacks and spells have a chance [around ~1%] to deal massive electrical damage [around 2,000 (melee no buff)/around 10,000 (spell with spell amplifier), single target].
EEEe Legendary (Inferior) Focus of Earth Legendary (Inferior) Focus of Earth Legendary Superior Focus of Earth Legendary Superior Focus of Earth Legendary Earth Attacks and offensive spells deal stacking Acid damage over time [100% chance to proc]. Half-second cooldown as of U29P1. [10d10 damage per stack, maximum 5 stacks, around 275 average damage at full stacks]
FFFf Legendary (Inferior) Focus of Fire Legendary (Inferior) Focus of Fire Legendary Superior Focus of Fire Legendary Superior Focus of Fire Legendary Incineration Attacks have a chance [around ~1%] to deal massive Fire damage [around 2,000 (melee no buff)/around 10,000 (spell with spell amplifier), single target].
WWWw Legendary (Inferior) Focus of Water Legendary (Inferior) Focus of Water Legendary Superior Focus of Water Legendary Superior Focus of Water Legendary Water Attacks and offensive spells have a chance [5~10%] to inflict ten stacks of cold damage over time [20~30 damage per stack, around 250 damage at full stack], adding one stack at a time. This effect has an internal cooldown. [cooldown unknown, duration 4 seconds per a stack]
PPPp Legendary (Inferior) Focus of Positive Energy Legendary (Inferior) Focus of Positive Energy Legendary Superior Focus of Positive Energy Legendary Superior Focus of Positive Energy Legendary Affirmation Attacks and offensive spells have a [10~33%] chance to grant 1,000 temporary hitpoints with 1 minute duration. Cooldown is also one minute.
NNNn Legendary (Inferior) Focus of Negative Energy Legendary (Inferior) Focus of Negative Energy Legendary Superior Focus of Negative Energy Legendary Superior Focus of Negative Energy Legendary Negation Attacks and offensive spells have a [100%, or later nerfed?] chance to deal 1d3 Negative levels (to a single target). This has a 30 second cooldown.

Legendary (Inferior) Focus of Air Legendary (Inferior) Focus of Water Legendary Superior Focus of Air Legendary Superior Focus of Water Legendary Ice Attacks and Offensive Spells have a [10~20%] chance to turn your target into a block of ice. (Fortitude? save, AoE, freezes target if it fails save and grants them DR 100/adamantine, does not add helpless condition)
Legendary (Inferior) Focus of Air Legendary (Inferior) Focus of Positive Energy Legendary Superior Focus of Air Legendary Superior Focus of Positive Energy Legendary Lightning Attacks and offensive spells have a [5~10%] chance to create Lightning traps. ~160-360 damage, doesn't scale with spellpower. Additional 12d6 lightning damage on hit. DDO Forums
Legendary (Inferior) Focus of Air Legendary (Inferior) Focus of Negative Energy Legendary Superior Focus of Air Legendary Superior Focus of Negative Energy Legendary Vacuum Attacks and offensive spells have a [30%?] chance to inflict multiple [2-4] stacks of Vulnerable. Originally had 100%, 6-7 stacks but nerfed.

Legendary (Inferior) Focus of Air Legendary (Inferior) Focus of Earth Legendary Superior Focus of Earth Legendary Superior Focus of Air Legendary Tempered Attacks and offensive spells have a moderate chance [10~20% for each] to deal extra acid and/or electric damage [80-120 damage, Spellpower not applied].
Legendary (Inferior) Focus of Fire Legendary (Inferior) Focus of Water Legendary Superior Focus of Earth Legendary Superior Focus of Air No effect (Combination that is Elemental Mastery on Heroic version)
Legendary (Inferior) Focus of Earth Legendary (Inferior) Focus of Positive Energy Legendary Superior Focus of Earth Legendary Superior Focus of Positive Energy Legendary Mineral This weapon bypasses Adamantine, Byeshk, Cold Iron, Mithril, and Adamantine[sic, confirmed typo Silver] DR. This weapon is considerably strengthened, gaining +150 maximum Durability.
Legendary (Inferior) Focus of Earth Legendary (Inferior) Focus of Negative Energy Legendary Superior Focus of Earth Legendary Superior Focus of Negative Energy Legendary Dust Attacks and offensive spells have a 50% chance to reduce enemy PRR and Positive Healing Amplification. This penalty stacks up to 5 times, -7 PRR and -20 Positive Healing Amplification per stack. Duration 11 seconds.
Legendary (Inferior) Focus of Air Legendary (Inferior) Focus of Fire Legendary Superior Focus of Fire Legendary Superior Focus of Air Legendary Smoke 27% Blurry, Enhancement bonus
Legendary (Inferior) Focus of Earth Legendary (Inferior) Focus of Fire Legendary Superior Focus of Fire Legendary Superior Focus of Earth Legendary Magma Attacks and offensive spells deals fire damage over time on hit or spellcast, and slow enemy movement [100% chance to proc, 20-50 damage pear a stack, maximum 5 stacks, 3 ticks within 4 seconds duration for each stack.] Bug: Slow portion does not appear to be applying. Has a quarter-second cooldown as of Update 29 Patch 1.

Pre-U29P1: 500-1,000 damage per tick with 950 spellpower. (Without 1,050% boost from spellpower it would be 48-95.)

Legendary (Inferior) Focus of Fire Legendary (Inferior) Focus of Positive Energy Legendary Superior Focus of Fire Legendary Superior Focus of Positive Energy Legendary Radiance Attacks and offensive spells have a [10~20%] chance to blind enemies with [around 100] Light damage. (Scales with spellpower if triggered by a spell.) [no save, duration 11 seconds]
Legendary (Inferior) Focus of Fire Legendary (Inferior) Focus of Negative Energy Legendary Superior Focus of Fire Legendary Superior Focus of Negative Energy Legendary Ash Attacks and offensive spells have a 50% chance to reduce enemy MRR and Universal Spell Power. This penalty stacks 3 times, -7MRR and -20USP each time, 12 seconds duration. Can make MRR negative.
Legendary (Inferior) Focus of Air Legendary (Inferior) Focus of Earth Legendary Superior Focus of Water Legendary Superior Focus of Fire No effect (Combination that is Elemental Mastery on Heroic version)
Legendary (Inferior) Focus of Earth Legendary (Inferior) Focus of Water Legendary Superior Focus of Water Legendary Superior Focus of Earth Legendary Ooze Attacks and offensive spells reduce enemy PRR and MRR by 10 each for 12 seconds [100% proc rate.] Attacks and offensive spells have a [~5%] chance to summon a CR 32 Legendary Ooze - either a Large Black Pudding Fragment or an Unstable Arcane Ooze Fragment.
Legendary (Inferior) Focus of Fire Legendary (Inferior) Focus of Water Legendary Superior Focus of Water Legendary Superior Focus of Fire Legendary Balance of Land & Sky Attacks and offensive spells have a moderate chance to deal extra acid and/or electric damage. Bug: Currently providing bonuses for Legendary Tempered instead.
Legendary (Inferior) Focus of Water Legendary (Inferior) Focus of Positive Energy Legendary Superior Focus of Water Legendary Superior Focus of Positive Energy Legendary Steam Attacks and offensive spells have a [15%] chance to deal untyped damage. [70-120, ~86 average]
Legendary (Inferior) Focus of Water Legendary (Inferior) Focus of Negative Energy Legendary Superior Focus of Water Legendary Superior Focus of Negative Energy Legendary Salt Attacks and offensive spells have a [100%] chance to greatly reduce enemy movement speed and attack speed [about -90% slowdown]. This inflicts 8 stacks, which all fade at once after 11 seconds. Has a short internal cooldown [1/4 seconds]. Doesn't affect bosses.
Legendary (Inferior) Focus of Positive Energy Legendary (Inferior) Focus of Negative Energy Legendary Superior Focus of Positive Energy Legendary Superior Focus of Negative Energy Legendary Concordant Opposition [1~2%] chance to gain HP and SP when hit [50-60 points, no cooldown?]. Offensive spells have a [~?%] chance to briefly grant 100 temporary spellpoints (This has a one minute cooldown).

Raw Ingredient Recipes[edit]

Used to make the manufactured ingredients for the recipes listed above for augments.

Manufactured Ingredient Legendary Large Glowing Arrowhead Legendary Large Gnawed Bone Legendary Large Twisted Shrapnel Legendary Large Length of Infernal Chain Legendary Large Sulfurous Stone Legendary Large Devil Scales CoV
Legendary Superior Focus of Air 100
Legendary Superior Focus of Earth
Legendary Superior Focus of Fire
Legendary Superior Focus of Water
Legendary Superior Focus of Negative Energy
Legendary Superior Focus of Positive Energy
Legendary Pure Ethereal Essence
Legendary Pure Material Essence
Legendary Flawless Gem of Dominion
Legendary Flawless Gem of Escalation
Legendary Flawless Gem of Opposition

External links[edit]


  • Legendary Affirmation [1]
  • Legendary Lightning [2]
  • Legendary Magma [3]
  • Legendary Mineral [4]
  • Legendary Negation
  • Legendary Radiance [5]