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Fast Healing

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Fast Healing (Epic Past Life Feat)


This feat grants both passive and active benefits.

  • Primal Past Life Stance: Each minute you heal with positive energy, 5 HP + 5 HP per every 5 character levels. Healing is doubled and tripled (the amount, not the frequency) with two or three stacks of this Past Life.
  • Passive Bonus: +3 maximum HP and +4 per ten character levels.


The active stance effect stacks with Fury of the Wild Fast Healing.

List of effects are the same as Tier 1 Fast Healing Fury of the Wild.

Effective healing per level per minute
Level One Stack Two Stacks Three Stacks
1-4 5 10 15
5-9 10 20 30
10-14 15 30 45
15-19 20 40 60
20-24 25 50 75
25-29 30 60 90
30 35 70 105

See also[edit]