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From DDO wiki
(Redirected from Template:Infobox-monster)
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  | image        = 
  | tag          =
  | name         = <!-- if it differs from the page name and tag parameter is not empty -->
  | type         = 
  | race         = 
  | sub-race     = 
  | MM type      = 
  | alignment    = 
  | cr           = <!-- {{Xpcolors|normal=|hard=|elite=|enormal=|ehard=|eelite=}} -->
  | named        = No <!-- Options: No / Yes -->
  | boss         = No <!-- Options: No / Orange / Red / Purple -->
  | color        = No <!-- Options: No / Yellow (named only) / Orange / Red -->
  | rare         = No <!-- Options: No / Yes (This will let us know if this is a monster that always spawns or not) -->
  | attack       = <!-- (Slashing/Bludgeoning/Piercing) - List its damage types and melee/ranged related weapon/special attacks -->
  | qualities    = <!-- List its special defenses (resistances, immunities, and magic related special attacks) -->
  | organization = 
  | habitat1     = 
  | hnote1       = 
  | hhistorical1 = <!-- for monsters that was removed from quest T/F -->
  | hcr1         = <!-- if CR differs by quest / area -->
  | hslay1       = <!-- for monsters that count for 'slayer' quests -->
  | habitat2     = <!-- additional habitat# parameters can be used -->
  | hnote2       = <!-- additional hnote# parameters can be used as needed -->
  | hcr2         =
  | saying1      = 
  | saying2      = <!-- additional saying# parameters can be used -->
  | description  = 
  • |tag= refers to any "<...>" text under the monster name
  • |MM type=
  • |cr= refers to Challenge rating. If there are multiple difficulties, use {{Xpcolors}}.
  • |boss= is used to further categorize the bosses.
  • |color= is used to denote the type of enemy for non-bosses.
  • |rare= only applies to non-bosses.
  • |organization= only applies to non-bosses that are not named.
  • |habitat#= quest or wilderness adventure area (unlinked text for page for the quest).
    • |hnote#= note about a specific habitat — Omit if not used.
    • |hhistorical#= to mark a location that the monster used to be in but no longer is. Do not use this if the habitat itself is historical - if so, it should be marked as such in the hnote field, whether or not the monster itself still exists.
    • |hcr#= CR for a specific habitat — Omit if same as 'cr'.
    • |hslay#= slayer category for a specific habitat — Omit if not relevant
      • Use |hslay#= - if habitat has slayer counts but this monster does not count for any of them.
      • This field can be omitted for monsters in an area with a single slayer count if all the monsters in the area count.
  • |saying#= Things the monster says in say channel (overhead)
Using Numbered Parameters
  • Items using numbered parameters (e.g. habitat#, saying#) appear in numeric order (from 1), even if written in a different order. Please list them in numeric order as this makes everyone's life easier.
    • If there are duplicates, only one entry will be used.
  • Numbered parameters do not need to be sequential. It is OK to have habitat1, habitat2, habitat5.
    • Why might you do this?
      • Cluster related quests together.
      • Leave space to insert entries later without needing to renumber entire list.
    • Any limitations?
      • Keep gaps small, no more than 5-10 at most.
      • Don't add gaps needlessly. E.g. Use small gaps to separate groups of closely related habitats. If there are only 3 habitats, then they can be 1,2,3.
Habitat Parameters
  • Numbered parameters beginning with h are associated with the habitat parameter with the same number. For example, hnote2, hcr2, hslay2 all add information to habitat2. If the habitat parameter is missing then the other parameters will be ignored.


MM type issues • Monster Manual/Event Only • Monster Manual/missing • Prologue • Volume 1 • Volume 2 • Volume 3 • Volume 4 • Volume 5 • Volume 6 • Volume 7 • Volume 8 • Volume 9


The code in this section is "includeonly" transcluded onto the page.