Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.

In addition, if you missed the initial giveaway for a free Expansion Pack, you can claim it from Trilliya in the Hall of Heroes on Cormyr only through 12th February. edit

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Item:Cavalry Plate

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High-seas pirates plundered this richly-decorated plate mail from naval cavalry officers. Although it did not suit the pirates well, a fighter looking for better protection may benefit from it.

Update 39 (2018) Armor Upgrade[edit]

You may convert your pre-U39 Cavalry Plate to the U39 version by talking to Euphonia Teles and telling her I have some old gear I'd like to freshen up. This conversion is free using the Conversions of Crystal Cove barter box.

Note: The material of the above Heavy armor is mithral, but unlike the historic mithral version, it remains Heavy armor.
Last Edited Item Type Enhancements ML Bind Quests
  • Update 71.2.1
Cavalry Plate (level 4)
Cavalry Plate (level 4).png
Full Plate  4 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Treasure of Crystal Cove, Turn in 100 Silver Doubloon.png Silver Doubloon50 Golden Doubloon.png Golden Doubloon15 Stolen Pyrite.png Stolen Pyrite300 Green Dragonshard.png Green Dragonshard at Euphonia's Barter Box
  • Update 71.2.1
Cavalry Plate (level 8)
Cavalry Plate (level 8).png
Full Plate  8 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Treasure of Crystal Cove, Turn in 250 Silver Doubloon.png Silver Doubloon100 Golden Doubloon.png Golden Doubloon20 Stolen Obsidian.png Stolen Obsidian400 Green Dragonshard.png Green Dragonshard at Euphonia's Barter Box
  • Update 71.2.1
Cavalry Plate (level 12)
Cavalry Plate (level 12).png
Full Plate  12 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Treasure of Crystal Cove, Turn in 500 Silver Doubloon.png Silver Doubloon200 Golden Doubloon.png Golden Doubloon25 Stolen Amethyst.png Stolen Amethyst500 Green Dragonshard.png Green Dragonshard at Euphonia's Barter Box
  • Update 71.2.1
Cavalry Plate (level 16)
Cavalry Plate (level 16).png
Full Plate  16 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Treasure of Crystal Cove, Turn in 750 Silver Doubloon.png Silver Doubloon300 Golden Doubloon.png Golden Doubloon30 Stolen Ruby.png Stolen Ruby600 Green Dragonshard.png Green Dragonshard at Euphonia's Barter Box
  • Update 71.2.1
Epic Cavalry Plate (level 20)
Epic Cavalry Plate (level 20).png
Full Plate  20 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Treasure of Crystal Cove, Turn in 1000 Silver Doubloon.png Silver Doubloon400 Golden Doubloon.png Golden Doubloon35 Stolen Emerald.png Stolen Emerald700 Green Dragonshard.png Green Dragonshard at Euphonia's Barter Box
  • Update 71.2.1
Epic Cavalry Plate (level 24)
Epic Cavalry Plate (level 24).png
Full Plate  24 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Treasure of Crystal Cove, Turn in 1250 Silver Doubloon.png Silver Doubloon500 Golden Doubloon.png Golden Doubloon40 Stolen Opal.jpg Stolen Opal800 Green Dragonshard.png Green Dragonshard at Euphonia's Barter Box
  • Update 71.2.1
Epic Cavalry Plate (level 28)
Epic Cavalry Plate (level 28).png
Full Plate  28 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Treasure of Crystal Cove, Turn in 1500 Silver Doubloon.png Silver Doubloon600 Golden Doubloon.png Golden Doubloon45 Stolen Jasper.png Stolen Jasper900 Green Dragonshard.png Green Dragonshard at Euphonia's Barter Box
  • Update 71.2.1
Legendary Cavalry Plate (level 32)
Legendary Cavalry Plate (level 32).png
Heavy Armor  32 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Treasure of Crystal Cove, Turn in 1500 Silver Doubloon.png Silver Doubloon700 Golden Doubloon.png Golden Doubloon45 Stolen Jasper.png Stolen Jasper900 Green Dragonshard.png Green Dragonshard at Euphonia's Barter Box

Legacy Version[edit]

Note: The Level 4-12 versions are Heavy armor, but at Level 16 and up they acquire the Mithral property and become Medium armor.
Tiered version
Level / Tier Enhancements Cost (Doubloons/Gems/Item)
Gold Silver Copper Dragonshards Gems Item
Level 4 (Tier 1) +1 Fullplate: +9 AC, Life Shield, Lesser False LifeIcon tooltip.pngLesser False Life: This item grants the wearer +5 maximum health., Resistance +1Icon tooltip.png Resistance +1: Passive: +1 Resistance bonus to Fortitude, Reflex, and Will Saving Throws. 250 500 15 Stolen Alabasters
Level 4 (Tier 2) +2 Fullplate: +10 AC, Life Shield, Lesser False Life, Resistance +1 100 15 Stolen Alabasters, 30 Stolen Pyrites Cavalry Plate (Level 4, Tier 1)
Level 4 (Tier 3) +2 Fullplate: +10 AC, Life Shield, False LifeIcon tooltip.pngFalse Life: This item grants the wearer +10 maximum health., Resistance +1 200 50 Stolen Alabasters, 30 Stolen Pyrites Cavalry Plate (Level 4, Tier 2), Greater Stalwart Trinket
Level 8 (Tier 1) +2 Fullplate: +14 AC, Life Shield, False Life, Resistance +2Icon tooltip.png Resistance +2: Passive: +2 Resistance bonus to Fortitude, Reflex, and Will Saving Throws. 375 650 20 Stolen Ambers
Level 8 (Tier 2) +3 Fullplate: +15 AC, Life Shield, False Life, Resistance +2 200 45 Stolen Ambers, 30 Stolen Obsidians Cavalry Plate (Level 8, Tier 1)
Level 8 (Tier 3) +3 Fullplate: +15 AC, Life Shield, False Life, DRIcon tooltip.pngDamage Reduction 1/Chaotic: Reduces physical damage by 1, except from Chaotic attacks. 1/Chaotic, Resistance +2 400 70 Stolen Ambers, 50 Stolen Obsidians Cavalry Plate (Level 8, Tier 2), Greater Stalwart Trinket
Level 12 (Tier 1) +3 Fullplate: +15 AC, Life Shield, Improved False LifeIcon tooltip.pngImproved False Life: This item grants the wearer +20 maximum health., DR 1/Chaotic, Resistance +3Icon tooltip.png Resistance +3: Passive: +3 Resistance bonus to Fortitude, Reflex, and Will Saving Throws. 400 800 25 Stolen Topaz
Level 12 (Tier 2) +4 Fullplate: +16 AC, Life Shield, Improved False Life, DR 1/Chaotic, Resistance +3 300 40 Stolen Amethysts, 50 Stolen Topaz Cavalry Plate (Level 12, Tier 1)
Level 12 (Tier 3) +4 Fullplate: +16 AC, Life Shield, Greater False LifeIcon tooltip.pngGreater False Life: This item grants the wearer +30 maximum health., DR 1/Chaotic, Resistance +3 600 60 Stolen Amethysts, 80 Stolen Topaz Cavalry Plate (Level 12, Tier 2), Greater Stalwart Trinket
Level 16 (Tier 1) +4 Fullplate: +20 AC, MithralIcon tooltip.pngMithral: Mithral armor is one type lighter then normal. Arcane Spell Failure decreased by 10%. Maximum dexterity bonus increased by 2. Armor check penalty reduced by 3. , Demonic Shield, Greater False Life, DRIcon tooltip.pngDamage Reduction 2/Chaotic: Reduces physical damage by 2, except from Chaotic attacks. 2/Chaotic, Resistance +4Icon tooltip.png Resistance +4: Passive: +4 Resistance bonus to Fortitude, Reflex, and Will Saving Throws. 500 1,000 30 Stolen Sapphires
Level 16 (Tier 2) +5 Fullplate: +21 AC, Mithral, Demonic Shield, Greater False Life, DR 2/Chaotic, Resistance +4 400 45 Stolen Rubies, 60 Stolen Sapphires Cavalry Plate (Level 16, Tier 1)
Level 16 (Tier 3) +5 Fullplate: +21 AC, Mithral, Demonic Shield, Greater False Life, DRIcon tooltip.pngDamage Reduction 3/Chaotic: Reduces physical damage by 3, except from Chaotic attacks. 3/Chaotic, Resistance +4 800 70 Stolen Rubies, 90 Stolen Sapphires Cavalry Plate (Level 16, Tier 2), Greater Stalwart Trinket
Level 20 (Tier 1) +6 Fullplate: +26 AC, Mithral, Demonic Shield, Greater False Life, DR 3/Chaotic, Resistance +5Icon tooltip.png Resistance +5: Passive: +5 Resistance bonus to Fortitude, Reflex, and Will Saving Throws. 600 1,200 35 Stolen Diamonds
Level 20 (Tier 2) +7 Fullplate: +27 AC, Mithral, Demonic Shield, Superior False LifeIcon tooltip.pngSuperior False Life: This item grants the wearer +40 maximum health., DR 3/Chaotic, Resistance +5 500 70 Stolen Diamonds, 50 Stolen Emeralds Epic Cavalry Plate (Level 20, Tier 1)
Level 20 (Tier 3) +7 Fullplate: +27 AC, Mithral, Demonic Shield, Superior False Life, DRIcon tooltip.pngDamage Reduction 5/Chaotic: Reduces physical damage by 5, except from Chaotic attacks. 5/Chaotic, Resistance +5, Blue Augment SlotIcon tooltip.pngBlue AugmentsColorless Augments 1,000 100 Stolen Diamonds, 80 Stolen Emeralds Epic Cavalry Plate (Level 20, Tier 2), Greater Stalwart Trinket
Level 24 (Tier 1) +6 Fullplate: +30 AC, Mithral, Demonic Shield, Greater False Life, DRIcon tooltip.pngDamage Reduction 13/Chaotic: Reduces physical damage by 13, except from Chaotic attacks. 13/Chaotic, Resistance +7Icon tooltip.png Resistance +7: Passive: +7 Resistance bonus to Fortitude, Reflex, and Will Saving Throws. 500 1000 40 Stolen Malachites
Level 24 (Tier 2) +7 Fullplate: +31 AC, Mithral, Demonic Shield, Superior False Life, DRIcon tooltip.pngDamage Reduction 14/Chaotic: Reduces physical damage by 14, except from Chaotic attacks. 14/Chaotic, Resistance +7 600 80 Stolen Malachites, 55 Stolen Opals Epic Cavalry Plate (Level 24, Tier 1)
Level 24 (Tier 3) +7 Fullplate: +31 AC, Mithral, Demonic Shield, Superior False Life, DR 14/Chaotic, Resistance +7, Blue Augment SlotIcon tooltip.pngBlue AugmentsColorless Augments 1100 110 Stolen Malachites, 90 Stolen Opals Epic Cavalry Plate (Level 24, Tier 2), Greater Stalwart Trinket
Inter-level upgrade recipes
Level / Tier Cost (Doubloons/Gems/Item)
Gold Silver Copper Gems Item
Level 8 (Tier 1) 150 350 20 Stolen Ambers Cavalry Plate Level 4
Level 12 (Tier 1) 200 400 25 Stolen Topazes Cavalry Plate Level 8
Level 16 (Tier 1) 300 600 30 Stolen Sapphires Cavalry Plate Level 12
Level 20 (Tier 1) 400 750 35 Stolen Diamonds Cavalry Plate Level 16
Level 24 (Tier 1) 300 600 40 Stolen Malachites Epic Cavalry Plate Level 20