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Guild Airships (history)

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An airship is a location where access is limited only to guild members, or people who are temporarily invited there. The main purpose is to provide buffs. A guild works toward acquiring a Guild Airship, and then improves on it. Improvements include bigger and better airships, amenities (such as a tavern), and crew (such as a navigator) to facilitate tasks. The more advanced the guild and the guild airship, the more buffs are available.

Information on getting a Guild Airship is in the Guild Renown section of the Guilds page.

Embarking and Disembarking[edit]

In every public zone except House Cannith and the Inspired Quarter, is an Airship Tower, used to board Guild Airships. They are also the disembarkation point when leaving the Airship if your Guild has the ability to disembark at a particular public zone. Airship Beacons can be used to travel to your Guild Airship. Airships are disembarked by selecting a location on menu from talking with the captain, by teleport spell, or simply by jumping over the edge (landing you haphazardly in Stormreach locations). On board an airship, the map is blank.

Airship Towers[edit]

Outside View of Airship Showroom

Airship Towers are located in:

Airship Beacon[edit]

Icon DDOStore AirshipBeacon.png

An Airship Beacon is a purchasable item from the DDO Store allowing you to open a portal (except from within Raid Dungeons) for you and others to go to your Guild Airship. Non-Guild Members can be sent an invite so they can partake of your Guild Airship amenities.


The higher the Guild Level, the more types of airship are available; see the Guilds page for information. The Airship Showroom is in The Harbor next to the Auctioneer and the Airship Tower.

Name Class Requirement Cost Amenities Crew Deck Length Passengers Comforts
Windspyre Sparrow Light Guild Level 15 for AS
or Guild Level 20 for pp
1000 AS direct at GL15
or 50,000 pp direct at GL20
0 Large, 4 Small 3 36m 30 1 fresh bacon strip and 1 hammock (and 1 cargo net usable as a hammock)
Stormglory Bolt Light Guild Level 25 1000 AS direct
or 600 AS upgrade from Wind Sparrow
2 Large, 6 Small 4 56m 35 ??
Windspyre Falcon Medium Guild Level 50
and existing light airship
360,000 pp upgrade from light airship 2 Large, 8 Small 6 59m 40 2 cooked bacon strips, 3 hammocks, teapot & 4 cups, 2 cargo nets and a plant.
Stormglory Tempest Medium Guild Level 55
and existing light or medium airship
1650 AS upgrade from Storm Bolt
or 1000 AS upgrade from Wind Falcon
4 Large, 11* Small 9* 75m 50 2 fresh and 1 well-done bacon strips
Windspyre Gryphon Heavy Guild Level 80
and existing medium airship
1,800,000 pp upgrade from medium airship 4* Large, 12 Small 9* 87m 60 3 fresh bacon strips and 2 cargo nets (needs verification post U20)
Stormglory Typhoon Heavy Guild Level 85
and existing medium or heavy airship
3850 AS upgrade from Storm Tempest
or 2000 AS upgrade from Wind Gryphon
6 Large, 14 Small 10 102m 70 3 well-done bacon strips and 1 spa

* Stormglory Tempest and Windspyre Gryphon airships advertise as having a different number of hook-points than they actual do (DDO Forums). Listed are actual hook-points.

  • AS stands for Astral Shards.
  • You must progress from light ship ⇒ medium ship ⇒ heavy ship; pp costs here are the upgrade price from the ship one size smaller.
  • Airships are paid for one-time-only for each ship, vs. amenities and crew that are rented (that is, amenities and crew disappear after a set number of days and must be repurchased). The vendors in the Airship Showroom offer a deposit system where every member of a Guild can deposit platinum or Astral Shards for their Guild towards acquiring or upgrading an Airship.
  • Platinum can be deposited at the Windspyre Airship Vendor in amounts of 500, 2500, 10000, 25000, 100000, or 500000. Astral Shards can be deposited at Stormglory Luxury Airship Vendor in amounts of 25, 50, 125, 500, 1250, or 5000.
  • Upgrading an airship transfers all current, ongoing amenity and crew contracts to the new airship. Residual duration of each contract is unaffected. Guild chest content is unaffected. You don't lose anything practical. N.B.: verified on upgrading from a Windspyre Sparrow to a Windspyre Falcon. Exception: see #Airship Customization.
  • Trying to board your airship while someone else is upgrading it can cause you to find yourself in midair on a fast, personal, least-energy route to Stormreach's ground level.
  • Characters that were on board the previous airship at logout will be listed as such (in the character selection screen and in the Social / Guild panel, for example) until they log back in. At that point, they will be on board the upgraded airship and listed as such.

Airship Amenities[edit]

Small hook point - only officers and leaders can see hook points

Talk to the First Mate of your airship to toggle whether hook points are visible. Once hook points are visible, click any hook point to open the store for contracts for that type of hook point.

Amenities are rented. You can pay with platinum or Astral Shards.

  • Normal contracts: You can hire a new amenity for three days or prolong a contract by 7 days. Maximum duration: 38 days.
  • Gold Seal contracts: You can hire a new amenity for 14 days or prolong a contract by 14 days. Maximum duration: 84 days.
  • Chests are rented for 30 days, maximum duration 60 (both standard and Gold Seal).
Type Size Req. Level (Gold Seal) Cost (AS) Req. Level (Standard) Cost (PP) Useful post-U22 Description
Orien Mailbox Contract Small 20 15 24 282.1 Yes Mailbox access. Available post-U22 in The Orien Express, but still convenient to have in the cargo hold.
Small Guild Chest Contract Small 20 30 25 12,500 Yes 20-item chest, open access to guild members
Free Agents Tavern Contract Small 20 15 25 312.5 Yes Tavern area and barkeep for a limited duration on an airship. Available post-U22 in Sellswords' Tavern, but still convenient to have in the cargo hold.
Lesser Sonic Resistance Shrine Rental Contract Small 21 15 27 378.7 Yes 10 point sonic resistance (doesn't stack with item or spell)
Minor Charisma Shrine Rental Contract Small 21 40 27 378.7 Provides a +1 artifact bonus to charisma. Obsoleted post-U22 by Old Sully's Grog Cellar.
Lesser Cold Resistance Shrine Rental Contract Small 22 25 28 414.8 Yes 10 point cold resistance (doesn't stack with item or spell)
Minor Intelligence Shrine Rental Contract Small 22 40 28 414.8 Provides a +1 artifact bonus to intelligence. Obsoleted post-U22 by Paradoxical Puzzle Box.
Lesser Electric Resistance Shrine Rental Contract Small 23 25 29 452.8 Yes 10 point electric resistance (doesn't stack with item or spell)
Minor Wisdom Shrine Rental Contract Small 23 40 29 452.8 Provides a +1 artifact bonus to wisdom. Obsoleted post-U22 by Floating Rock Garden.
Device Workstation Contract Large 24 30 30 492.9 Yes Trap Workstation: allows you to craft traps, grenades, and various other rogue friendly devices
Lesser Acid Resistance Shrine Rental Contract Small 24 25 30 492.9 Yes 10 point acid resistance (doesn't stack with item or spell)
Minor Dexterity Shrine Rental Contract Small 24 40 30 492.9 Provides a +1 artifact bonus to dexterity. Obsoleted post-U22 by Paradoxical Puzzle Box.
Lesser Fire Resistance Shrine Rental Contract Small 24 25 31 535 Yes 10 point fire resistance (doesn't stack with item or spell)
Minor Constitution Shrine Rental Contract Small 24 40 31 535 Provides a +1 artifact bonus to constitution. Obsoleted post-U22 by Old Sully's Grog Cellar.
Minor Strength Shrine Rental Contract Small 25 40 32 579.2 Provides a +1 artifact bonus to strength. Obsoleted post-U22 by Floating Rock Garden.
Minor Experience Shrine Rental Contract Large 26 40 33 625.5 1% bonus to earned experience points
Kundarak Banker Contract Small 28 20 35 724.7 Yes Bank access. Available post-U22 in The Orien Express, but still convenient to have in the cargo hold.
Special Access Small Guild Chest 1 Small 28 65 n/a n/a Yes This chest can hold 20 items in storage that is only accessible by officers and the guild leader.
Large Guild Chest Contract Large 32 45 40 40,476 Yes 50-item chest, open access to guild members
Stone of Change Contract Large 32 40 40 1,011.9 Yes Stone of Change
Coin Lords Auctioneer Contract Small 33 30 42 1,143.2 Yes Auction House access. Available post-U22 in The Orien Express, but still convenient to have in the cargo hold.
Sonic Resistance Shrine Rental Contract Small 33 25 42 1,143.2 Yes 20 point sonic resistance (doesn't stack with item or spell)
Cold Resistance Shrine Rental Contract Small 34 40 43 1,212.4 Yes 20 point cold resistance (doesn't stack with item or spell)
Electric Resistance Shrine Rental Contract Small 35 40 44 1,248.1 Yes 20 point electric resistance (doesn't stack with item or spell)
Acid Resistance Shrine Rental Contract Small 36 30 45 1,358.4 Yes 20 point acid resistance (doesn't stack with item or spell)
Fire Resistance Shrine Rental Contract Small 36 40 46 1,435.1 Yes 20 point fire resistance (doesn't stack with item or spell)
Lesser Experience Shrine Rental Contract Large 38 65 48 1,596.2 1 hr 2% bonus to earned experience points
Altar of Invasion Contract Large 40 40 50 1,767.7 Altar of Invasion. Obsoleted post-U22 by Green Steel Crafting Hall.
Special Access Small Guild Chest 2, aka Gold Seal Airship Amenity Contract - Third Small Guild Chest Small 44 80 n/a n/a Yes This chest can hold 20 items in storage that is only accessible by officers and the guild leader.
Greater Sonic Resistance Shrine Rental Contract Small 45 40 57 2,452.9 Yes 30 point sonic resistance (doesn't stack with item or spell)
Lesser Charisma Shrine Rental Contract Small 45 65 57 2,452.9 Provides a +2 artifact bonus to charisma. Obsoleted post-U22 by Old Sully's Grog Cellar.
Greater Cold Resistance Shrine Rental Contract Small 46 50 58 2,561.9 Yes 30 point cold resistance (doesn't stack with item or spell)
Lesser Intelligence Shrine Rental Contract Small 46 65 58 2,561.9 Provides a +2 artifact bonus to intelligence. Obsoleted post-U22 by Paradoxical Puzzle Box.
Greater Electric Resistance Shrine Rental Contract Small 47 50 59 2,673.8 Yes 30 point electric resistance (doesn't stack with item or spell)
Lesser Wisdom Shrine Rental Contract Small 47 65 59 2,673.8 Provides a +2 artifact bonus to wisdom. Obsoleted post-U22 by Floating Rock Garden.
Altar of Subjugation Contract Large 48 50 60 2,788.5 Altar of Subjugation. Obsoleted post-U22 by Green Steel Crafting Hall.
Greater Acid Resistance Shrine Rental Contract Small 48 50 60 2,788.5 Yes 30 point acid resistance (doesn't stack with item or spell)
Lesser Dexterity Shrine Rental Contract Small 48 65 60 2,788.5 Provides a +2 artifact bonus to dexterity. Obsoleted post-U22 by Paradoxical Puzzle Box.
Greater Fire Resistance Shrine Rental Contract Small 48 50 61 2,906.1 Yes 30 point fire resistance (doesn't stack with item or spell)
Lesser Constitution Shrine Rental Contract Small 48 65 61 2,906.1 Provides a +2 artifact bonus to constitution
Special Access Large Guild Chest 1 Large 48 130 n/a n/a Yes This chest can hold 50 items in storage that is only accessible by officers and the guild leader.
Lesser Strength Shrine Rental Contract Small 49 65 62 3,026.7 Provides a +2 artifact bonus to strength. Obsoleted post-U22 by Floating Rock Garden.
Experience Shrine Rental Contract Large 50 80 63 3,150.2 3% bonus to earned experience points
Altar of Devastation Contract Large 56 55 70 4,099.6 Altar of Devastation. Obsoleted post-U22 by Green Steel Crafting Hall.
Greater Experience Shrine Rental Contract Large 62 100 78 5,373.2 4% bonus to earned experience points
Altar of Epic Rituals Contract Large 64 65 80 5,724.3 Yes Altar of Epic Rituals
Special Access Large Guild Chest 2 Large 64 150 n/a n/a Yes This chest can hold 50 items in storage that is only accessible by officers and the guild leader.
Major Experience Shrine Rental Contract Large 74 115 93 8,340.7 5% bonus to earned experience points

Airship Crew[edit]

Crew Hook-point

Airships can be populated by various crew members. The amount of crew members it can employ is based on the size of the Airship itself. You will need to talk to the First Mate of your Airship to be able to turn on viewing the Hook points.

Crew are rented. You can pay with platinum or Astral Shards.

  • Normal contracts: You can hire a new crew member for three days or prolong a contract by 7 days. Maximum duration: 38 days.
  • Gold Seal contracts: You can hire a new crew member for 14 days or prolong a contract by 14 days. Maximum duration: 84 days.
Type Req. Level (Gold Seal) Cost (AS) Req. Level (Standard) Cost (PP) Useful post-U22 Description
Silver Flame Priest Contract 20 50 20 178.8 Casts Silver Flame Purity (Claims Protection from Evil effect, but has no real effect - bugged.)
House Deneith Defender Contract 20 50 21 202 Yes Casts Sentinels Bulwark (DR 1/-, stacking natural AC +1)
House Jorasco Healer Contract 20 50 22 227 Casts Divine Glory (Stacking bonus to incoming healing +10%). Obsoleted post-U22 by Bath House.
Training Dummy Blueprints 20 40 23 253.6 Can be attacked, 100% fort true neutral construct. 5000 HP. Helpless after the first time it is killed on a non-fresh instance (so 50% extra damage). Person that gets the killing blow gets Hours of Practice buff (+2 stacking attack bonus for 1 hour, persistent except death). Obsoleted post-U22 by Tactical Training Room.
Scholar of the Twelve Contract 20 50 24 282.1 Casts Lore of the Twelve (+1 non-stacking* spell penetration, +1 non-stacking* DC on evocations/conjurations that you cast) *Does not stack with Spell Penetration/Focus on items. Obsoleted post-U22 by Arcane Sanctum and Archwizard.
House Kundarak Battlemaster Contract 20 50 25 312.5 Yes Casts Dwarven Stoutness (+1 stacking natural AC, +5 enhancement bonus to balance/haggle)
Navigator Contract: Pawlo Mapmaker 20 15 25 312.5 Yes Allows transport to any public area for which you have completed the associated Explorer quest
Darguun Hobgoblin Warrior Contract 20 50 26 344.6 Yes Casts Dhakaani Vigor (+4 stacking saves vs. fear, +2 competence bonus damage to your physical attacks, doesn't stack with competence bonus from items (DDO Forums))
House Phiarlan Entertainer Contract 20 50 26 344.6 Yes Casts Phiarlan Inspiration (+1 morale bonus to all skills, +1 morale bonus* to DCs on enchantments/illusions that you cast) *Non-stacking with spellsinger's Spellsong Trance.
Clan Gnashtooth Kobold Shaman Contract 21 50 27 378.7 Yes Casts Blessing of the Three Dragons (Grants a +1 Sacred bonus to saves, a +1 Profane bonus to attack rolls, and a +1 stacking bonus to Natural Armor)
Navigator Contract: Artleblart 40 40 50 1,767.7 Yes Allows transport to any public area for which you have started (or completed) the associated Explorer quest
Twelve Planescaller Contract 56 15 70 4,099.6 Yes Gives your navigator the ability to make inter-planar trips
Xorian Navigator Contract: Xathrizopkrsis 60 65 75 4,871.3 Yes Allows transport to any public area


  • Prices updated in April 2013.
  • Most bonuses to spell DCs are internally typed as enhancements bonuses, thus do not stack with common spell focus items. The one exception is the Phiarlan Entertainer's bonuses which are typed as morale bonuses, they stack with items, but not with a spellsinger's Spellsong Trance.
  • All airship buffs last 1 hour and are persistent through everything except death.
  • As of September 2016, crew-member buff bonus types all appear to be guild bonus (no idea when this changed). The Darguun Hobgoblin Warrior, for instance, now absolutely stacks with Deadly items.

Airship Customization[edit]

Some parts of the airship can be recolored using dyes from the DDO Store. They are permanent until a new dye is used. They can only be applied by Guild Officers and Guild Leaders. To apply, stand on your airship and use the dye.

PLEASE NOTE - currently the following items / upgrades will disappear if ship applied to is upgraded

Type Color Area Cost (TP) Available
Blue Airship Elemental Ring Blue Elemental power ring 495 live
Green Airship Elemental Ring Green Elemental power ring 495 live
Orange-red Airship Elemental Ring Orange-red Elemental power ring 495 test
Purple Airship Elemental Ring Purple Elemental power ring 495 test
Red Airship Elemental Ring Red Elemental power ring 495 live
White Airship Elemental Ring White Elemental power ring 495 live
Blue Airship Hull Paint Blue Exterior hull and walls 495 live
Brown Airship Hull Paint Brown Exterior hull and walls 295 test
Green Airship Hull Paint Green Exterior hull and walls 495 live
Purple Airship Hull Paint Purple Exterior hull and walls 495 test
Red Airship Hull Paint Red Exterior hull and walls 495 live
White Airship Hull Stain White Exterior hull and walls 495 live
Blue Airship Sail Cloth Blue Exterior sails and fins 495 live
Green Airship Sail Cloth Green Exterior sails and fins 495 live
Orange Airship Sail Cloth Orange Exterior sails and fins 495 test
Purple Airship Sail Cloth Purple Exterior sails and fins 495 test
Red Airship Sail Cloth Red Exterior sails and fins 495 live
Standard Airship Sail Cloth Tan Exterior sails and fins 295 live
White Airship Sail Cloth White Exterior sails and fins 495 live
Blue Airship Interior Stain Blue Interior walls and trim 495 live
Green Airship Interior Stain Green Interior walls and trim 495 live
Red Airship Interior Stain Red Interior walls and trim 495 live
White Airship Interior Stain White Interior walls and trim 495 live
  • Some items are not on the live server yet. Prices may change.


See also[edit]