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Alignment damage (weapon)

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Anarchic, Axiomatic, Holy and Unholy weapons cause 2 to 12 of damage to a foe of the opposing alignment on a successful hit. A weapon with an alignment that's opposite to a target bypasses the corresponding damage reduction of the target.

Aligned weapons must be wielded by a character of the same alignment. That is, a lawful character can use axiomatic weapons but not anarchic ones. If a weapon of an opposite alignment is used, the character will suffer a negative level as long as he keeps that weapon equipped.

Note: Randomly generated Handwraps have a bug that does not affect the player should they use handwraps of opposite alignment. That is, Monks (who must be of Lawful alignment) aren't affected when wearing anarchic handwraps. Other weapons, such anarchic quarterstaffs, will give a negative level to a Monk if wielded. Anarchic handwraps created using Cannith crafting will also give a negative level to a Monk if wielded.


Type: Prefix
Base price modifier: +2
Effect: An anarchic weapon is chaotically aligned and infused with the power of chaos. It makes the weapon chaos-aligned and thus bypasses the corresponding damage reduction. It deals an extra 2 to 12 damage against all of lawful alignment. Example: Marut has DR 10/Chaotic in The Jungle of Khyber, but Aligned, True Chaos, Anarchic or Anarchic burst weapons will do full damage. Moreover, some of them will do extra damage: True Chaos 1 to 6, Anarchic 2 to 12, Anarchic Burst 2 to 12 + more on crits (3 to 18 for x2, 4 to 24 for x3, 5 to 30 for x4).


Type: Prefix
Base price modifier: +2
Effect: An axiomatic weapon is lawfully aligned and infused with the power of law. It makes the weapon law-aligned and thus bypasses the corresponding damage reduction. It deals an extra 2 to 12 damage against all of chaotic alignment. Example: Thaarak Hound has DR 15/Lawful in The Prisoner on Elite, but Aligned, True Law, Axiomatic or Axiomatic burst weapons will do full damage. Moreover, some of them will do extra damage: True Law 1 to 6, Axiomatic 2 to 12, Axiomatic Burst 2 to 12 + more on crits (3 to 18 for x2, 4 to 24 for x3, 5 to 30 for x4).


Type: Prefix
Base price modifier: +2
Effect: A holy weapon is imbued with holy power. This power makes the weapon good-aligned. Evil characters wielding this weapon suffer a negative level. The weapon deals an extra 2 to 12 damage against all targets of evil alignment. Example: Bezekira has DR 5/Good in The Vale of Twilight explore area, but weapons having Flametouched Iron, Aligned, Pure Good, Holy, Holy Burst, Good Burst or Good Blast will do full damage. Moreover, some of them will do extra damage: Pure Good 1 to 6, Holy 2 to 12, Holy Burst 2 to 12 + more on crits (3 to 18 for x2, 4 to 24 for x3, 5 to 30 for x4), Good Burst 1 to 6 + more on crits (3 to 18 for x2, 4 to 24 for x3, 5 to 30 for x4), Good Blast does dmg only on crits (3 to 18 for x2, 4 to 24 for x3, 5 to 30 for x4) and additional 4 to 24 on roll 20.


Type: Prefix
Base price modifier: +2
Effect: An un holy weapon is imbued with unholy power. This power makes the weapon evil-aligned. Good characters wielding this weapon suffer a negative level. The weapon deals an extra 2 to 12 damage against all targets of good alignment. Example: Bralani has DR 5/(Evil or Cold Iron) in Running with the Devils, but weapons heaving Aligned, Greensteel, Unholy, Unholy Burst, Evil Burst or Evil Blast will do full damage. Moreover, some of them will do extra damage: Unholy 2 to 12, Unholy Burst 2 to 12 + more on crits (3 to 18 for x2, 4 to 24 for x3, 5 to 30 for x4), Evil Burst 1 to 6 + more on crits (3 to 18 for x2, 4 to 24 for x3, 5 to 30 for x4), Evil Blast does dmg only on crits (3 to 18 for x2, 4 to 24 for x3, 5 to 30 for x4) and additional 4 to 24 on roll 20. Note that Bralani's DR can also be bypassed by any Cold Iron or Metalline weapons.

See also