Year of the Dragon: Through 31st July, claim free Red Dragon Wyrmling Creature companion! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes. edit

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Radagor Redston

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Radagor Redston.jpg

Name: Radagor Redston

Race: Dwarf

Gender: Male

Affiliation(s): Tethyamar Mining Outpost

Location: Tethyamar Mining Outpost

Description: <Sundries Merchant>

Sells: Ammunition, Thieves' Tools, and Spell Components

Tethyamar Mining Outpost[edit]

  • Radagor Redston: I've got all the tools you'll need if you're going to try mining for the Jewels of Ardor.
  • Radagor Redston: Welcome to Tethyamar, stranger. Need any supplies?
  • Radagor Redston: You looking to buy something, adventurer?
  • Radagor Redston: How can I help you, <miss/sir>?
  • Radagor Redston: You going down to the mine? Then you'd better stock up on supplies!
    • You: I would like to trade. (Open shop UI)