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Arman Argentine

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Arman Argentine.jpg

Name: Arman Argentine

Race: Dwarf

Gender: Male

Affiliation(s): Tethyamar Mining Outpost

Location: Eveningstar, west of the main square

Description: Mines of Tethyamar Recruiter. He advertises the riches one can supposedly earn from traveling to the Tethyamar Mining Outpost.

Notes: Provides transportation from Eveningstar to Tethyamar Mining Outpost.


At any time you can approach him for his offer on transportation:

  • Arman Argentine: Do you want a chance at riches? Do you want a chance at glory? Then come to the Mines of Tethyamar!
  • Arman Argentine: We need hands to help us dig for the greatest treasure of the Underdark - the Jewels of Ardor. It's hard work, but you'll receive a guartaneed [sic] share of whatever we find.
  • Arman Argentine: All are welcome at the Tethyamar Mining Outpost - Dwarf or otherwise- so long as you pitch in and put your back into it!
    • You: Take me to the Tethyamar Mining Outpost. (transports)
    • You: What are these Jewels of Ardor? And why haven't I heard of them before?
      • Arman Argentine: Why, Stoutheart only just discovered the Jewels a few months ago, hidden away in an old Tethyamar vein that was supposed to have been mined out.
      • Arman Argentine: Stoutheart is truly a genius - he's already put together a work crew that's re-opened one of the old outposts. Now we just need a few more hands to mine the Jewels. And then we'll all be rich!
      • Arman Argentine: You can be too, if you join us.
    • You: Take me to the Tethyamar Mining Outpost. (transports)