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Power Attack

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Icon Feat Power Attack.png
Power Attack


Offensive Combat Stance: While using Power Attack mode, you trade up to 5 of your attack bonus for that much extra damage on melee attacks. While using a two-handed weapon or fighting in an animal form, you gain double the bonus to damage.


  • Unarmed strikes count as one-handed.
  • Prerequisite for Cleave and Great Cleave, which are some of the most powerful area-of-effect damage abilities for melee characters.
  • Fighters, Paladins, and Humans can use an Attack Boost enhancement to partially negate the to-hit penalty from Power Attack.
  • Power Attack is particularly good for killing Ooze types, such as oozes, slimes, and puddings. Those monsters damage your weapon on every hit. Power Attack means you'll need fewer hits to kill it, saving repair costs. In fact, with a high Strength and Power Attack, you can destroy most slimes by punching for zero weapon damage.
  • Fighters may select this feat as one of their fighter bonus feats.
  • Monks may select this feat as one of their martial arts feats.