Year of the Dragon: Through 31st July, claim free Red Dragon Wyrmling Creature companion! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes. edit

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Litany of the Dead/Walk-through

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Each part of this quest is actually very straight forward, but there are 4 different end-parts (a different path to each boss), and the (optional) "helpful items" can add a twist...

Helpful items[edit]

There are some items that can be gathered in quest that help you fight the various bosses, but there's a catch. Actually, two...

The items are only available to you on runs after you defeat a different boss. And, due to the dragon riddle, you can only fight one boss each run. For this reason, there is a recommended order for defeating the 4 bosses, and thus for acquiring items for the next boss on the next run of the quest.

Items are available from the table in the central shrine room below the dragon. Each item helps with the defeat of a boss other than the one that spawned the item.

In suggested order of bosses fought and item acquisition, they are:

  1. Defeat High Priest to gain access to:
  2. Defeat Cholthulzz to gain access to:
  3. Defeat Cinnis to gain access to:
  4. And lastly defeat Mentau, and don't bother with:
    • Golem Gem - Trinket: Golem FigurineIcon tooltip.pngGolem Figurine
      Caster level: 14
      Charges: 1
      1 Charges (Available after you defeat Mentau, used to aid in defeating High Priest of Vol: summons a vampiric bane flesh golem; this golem is aggressive towards your party, but will choose to attack the High Priest of Vol if he is present.) (In practice it's not a very useful item, as the golem is too weak and random to really do much of anything helpful, which is why the High Priest can be fought first and without it.)


The first part of this quest is very linear - impossible to take a wrong turn.

  1. Pass the trap in the narrow hall (see Tips in main article). Walk or jump onto the inactive parts.
  2. All enter and defeat Kai-teng (gate closes during fight to lock out late party members. It will open again once Kai-teng is dead)
  3. All enter (who want to fight) and open one of the 3 false chests, "the treasures of the lich", and drop down to the ambush (another lockout!).
    • Turn the gear to start the (very slow, over 3 minutes!) process of opening the gate. Watch the signal crystals above the gate to see progress. Be patient. Hiding from the monsters will stop the gears and open the barrier. Completing the ambush opens the barrier again.
  4. Drop down the shafts of many force traps (see Tips in main article).
  5. Speak with Dragon, answer the riddle correctly for the mini-boss you want on that run.
  6. Drop down (and first chest)
    • Unless/until your path has a point of no return, you can come back to this shrine (careful of minor respawns)

Your path will then lead to a specific boss in only one direction, depending on which answers you gave the dragon...

Most of these are very linear too, with some backtracking in parts. Look at the map on the main article, you won't get lost. In every boss, walking close to the barrier leading to the exit will spawn the boss and lock the entrance behind you. Make sure everyone is inside the boss room before activating the fight.

High Priest of Vol (north path)[edit]

If (as recommended above) this is your first run, there will be "nothing of interest" on the table in the shrine room beneath the dragon.

  1. Path will push you west first, clockwise.
  2. Chest behind secret door in far northwest room.
  3. Gold key in northernmost room.
  4. Continue clockwise to starting room (now on other side of bars), then east
  5. Push southeast for shrine room (with fight) and 2nd Gold Key.
  6. Push northeast for 2 bat crests (you need both).
  7. Return to central room, unlock crest-locked door to go north to final fight.
  8. Defeat the High Priest.
  9. Continue north past the chest to "the high tower" - destroy the 4 crystals there to free the high priest.
    • Failing to break the crystals will result in not getting credit for this part of flagging for the Ascension Chamber raid.
    • You are now standing on top of the "High Priest Tower", an explorer location in the southeast part of the Orchard of the Macabre wilderness zone.

Cholthulzz (east path)[edit]

If (as recommended above) you defeated the High Priest in a previous run, take the Eye of Vol from the table in the shrine room beneath the dragon.

  1. Once in the multiple-tunnel section, break "frozen adventurers" to find the 4 crests of the octopus, and use them in the door in the southeast corner of that area.
    • Breaking frozen adventurers throughout Cholthulzz's area spawns monsters.
  2. Turn north, break the frozen adventurer at the far end there to get the jeweled key, and grab the chest.
    • The door can be unlocked if you want to skip that part.
  3. Push south for minor fight at silver key and shrine (this door can't be unlocked)
  4. Return north and defeath Cholthulzz
    • The ice is slippery (duh).
    • Any of the 3 paths leads to the fight, but all will be locked out once the fight starts.
  5. Continue north past the chest to the "Doom Sphere tower" - destroy the 4 crystals there to free the doom sphere.
    • Failing to break the crystals will result in not getting credit for this part of flagging for the Ascension Chamber raid.
    • You are now standing on top of the "Doom Sphere Tower", an explorer location in the southwest part of the Orchard of the Macabre wilderness zone.

Cinnis (west path)[edit]

If (as recommended above) you defeated Cholthulzz in a previous run, take the Urthullz Petrified Stalk from the table in the shrine room beneath the dragon.

  1. At the split, go either direction - all paths connect. Someone has to stand on the (pressure plate) runes under the flaming spheres long enough (~5-6 seconds) to light the 4 hearths.
    • Perhaps whichever party member has the best fire resistance, and, if needed, while being healed by others.
    • Once all 4 are lit, a fairly powerful Wall of Fire will engulf the vines blocking the way forward. Party members can take fire damage from this, but it will burn out after 15 seconds or so.
  2. Point of No Return: Drop down (avoid the lava) - fire elementals will spawn. Grab the chest.
    • It is possible to walk around the collapsed floor if you wish to skip that area.
  3. Don't step in the "trap", a small open lava pit. (duh)
  4. When the path splits north/south, take either one - they connect.
    • Be prepared for an ambush south of the doors.
    • When you get to the burning fire pits, reverse the previous process - someone stands on the (pressure plate) rune until a fire sphere appears (along with an ambush of fire elementals).
    • Continue whichever way you chose, past the shrine (and, predictably, a small fight) to the other fire pit, and repeat the process.
  5. Continue around to where you entered this part, and head west to defeat Cinnis.
    • Initially, much as before, a Wall of Fire will appear before this room, but it will burn out quickly.
    • Four runes (2 on upper level, 2 on lower) disable the automatic delayed blast fireball blasts in the room.
      • If not disabled by pressing the runes (no control panel), these traps continue to fire after Cinnis has been defeated.
  6. Continue west past the chest to "Cinnis' tower" - destroy the 4 crystals there to free the cinderspawn.
    • Failing to break the crystals will result in not getting credit for this part of flagging for the Ascension Chamber raid.
    • You are now standing on top of the "Inferno Tower", an explorer location in the southwest part of the Orchard of the Macabre wilderness zone.

Mentau (south path)[edit]

If (as recommended above) you defeated Cinnis in a previous run, take "the soft blue flame", which is the Cold Fire item, from the table in the shrine room beneath the dragon.

  1. In the 2nd room, drop down for the secret door (north wall) and chest.
  2. Rune on Pillar
  3. Go to southern room and get the iron key, return and unlock door, continue into the lower section.
    • Shrine on your right - Once you start shrining, 2 golems outside the shrine will come to life to fight you.
  4. End fight:
    1. Use the 3 runes on the purple pillars to unlock the lever under the glowing orange sphere that protects Mentau.
      • You don't need to do this at first because the lever is already unlocked. Need to do this if you missed the air jet to get to Mentau.
      • Activating the runes (which need to be activated within a short time) starts the casting of lightning spheres from the pillars.
    2. Pull the lever and wait on the rune in the center of the circle of light in front of it - in a few seconds, a blast of air will boost you up to Mentau's level. Move fast, it doesn't last long!
    • Use the Cold Fire item while fighting Mentau (see description) if you want to be able to cast spells.
      • Bug: Cold Fire is currently doing nothing. You have to melee the end boss to complete it.
    • Flesh golems spawn quickly - it's a real factory.
    • Levers on the platform can activate the jet.
  5. Jump off the platform and continue south past the chest to "Mentau's tower" - destroy the 4 crystals there to free the Fleshmaker.
    • Failing to break the crystals will result in not getting credit for this part of flagging for the Ascension Chamber raid.
    • You are now standing on top of the "Fleshmaker's Tower", an explorer location in the southwest part of the Orchard of the Macabre wilderness zone.