Year of the Dragon: Through 31st July, claim free Red Dragon Wyrmling Creature companion! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes. edit

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Golem Figurine

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Name: Golem Figurine
Caster level: 14
Charge: 1
Target: Friend, Self, Positional
Duration: 10 minutes
Found on:

This spell teleports Mentau's final Flesh Golem guardian to your location. The Golem may or may not do your bidding. In fact he will most likely pointless attack your party members or other summons. He is more of a comical choice then actually serving any purpose unlike the other 3 items, which are rather useful, even near-required for most groups.

Summoned Creature notes:

Vampire Bane Flesh Golem: CR15, Type: Construct, Race: Golem