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Finishing Moves
Finishing Moves
- Cost: variable ki
- Usage: Active
- Prerequisite: Monk, class level 1
Through careful use of their abilities, monks can unlock special finishing moves to perform amazing effects. This button changes into various finishing moves as they become available.
Since Update 62 Finishing Moves striking an enemy deal +30% damage.
Finishing moves, as the name suggests, close a sequence of moves with a spectacular finish. Unique to the Monk class, some finishing moves inflict damage, others heal, buff friends, or debuff enemies.
Finishing moves are active feats. Monks are able to chain together 3 ki attacks to unlock a finishing move, depending on the combination. Ki attacks are given to a Monk at level 1 and later levels as feats, and are also obtained by spending action points on relevant enhancements (see Monk enhancements, Void Strike is an example).
After character creation, you will have a hotbar icon for finishing moves, which uses the Monk class symbol, a generic icon. When you have successfully chained together 3 special ki attacks without interrupting the combo sequence, the generic icon is replaced with a another icon that specifically represents the finishing move which is available as a result of your combo.
Prior to performing any special attack combinations, the finishing move icon on your hotbar will look like this:
After chaining together 3 valid ki attacks, your finishing move icon will change like this:
The actual icon image will vary depending on which combination you execute. In the above example, the combination to produce a "Healing Ki" finishing move is used. As well, from the player's view (but invisible to all others), your character shows an electric-surging effect around the upper body, confirming that you have completed a finishing move that awaits you to discharge it.
The special attacks required to perform the charging strikes cost a varying amount of ki, and the finishing move itself costs ki as well. Until you have a sufficient reserve of stored ki, younger Monks often won't have enough ki to trigger the ki before performing an action that usually aborts the chain.
Using Healing Ki as an example again, the three Fists of Light strikes (which do not need to be aimed at an enemy) cost 10 ki each. Another 10 ki is needed for the finisher, bringing the total needed ki for the complete move to 40.
See the Ki article on how to pool and generate more ki.
Actions that interrupt finishing moves[edit]
Many actions a player would normally engage in during combat or downtime can disrupt the execution of a finishing move chain or reset a prepared but un-used finishing move. When attempting to setup a finishing move combo you are only allowed to perform a regular attack (manual or auto), move your character about, and execute valid special ki attacks that are not elements used in other finishing moves (such as Stunning Fist). Any other action(s) disrupt the combo chain, consume the ki used in attempting the combo, and force you to start over. Tactical attacks such as Sap, Trip, Stunning Blow and Sunder do not interrupt the building of a combo.
For example: You require 3 special ki attacks to be used before unlocking your desired finishing move. You have performed 2 special attacks already, so one more special attack is needed to unlock the finishing move. But performing any of the actions below will reset the combo chain, where you must start the whole sequence over:
- becoming un-centered for any reason (Sometimes occurs if made helpless or knocked down)
- drinking a potion
- equipping or un-equipping gear
- using certain special abilities, feat-based or otherwise
- using objects like doors or levers, climbing (but not jumping). That includes talking to an NPC
- performing a ki attack which is part of a sequence, but not IN the sequence (basically, any Elemental, Void, or Philosophy attack)
- trying to execute a finishing move with insufficient ki, although sometimes (although you won't see anything special, or get the "not enough ki" message) the effects still execute
- Activating a finishing move too quickly (sometimes occurs if Healing Ki is activated less than 1 second after the third Fists of Light strike)
- Activating the same finishing move in rapid succession. The second finisher will fail unless some period of time is allowed(3-5 seconds, pretty easy to test), suggesting a hidden cooldown for each type of finisher. This mostly impacts Dominion monks looking to spam Pain Touch or Karmic Strike.
Meditating does NOT break or reset finishing move combos.
The above list is not meant to be exhaustive, but gives you a taste for what actions may short-circuit your ability to unlock and use a finishing move (or use an finishing move that has been unlocked and is awaiting use). The rule of thumb should be that if you are not normally moving or attacking a target or executing special attacks, you are likely resetting your combo chain.
At this time, there appears to be no limit to how much time may pass between executing ki attacks. There also appears to be no time limit on how long a prepared finishing move may remain in a ready state, provided an action that cancels the combo is not performed. This can be advantageous as regular attacks and non-combo ki attacks can be performed while a ready-state is still in effect. You cannot chain ready-states, however (that is, perform a combo and attain a finishing move charge, then perform a second combo and create a second charge to use in succession). It can be useful to set up a finishing move ahead of time if you know your excess ki will dissipate before you can use it, or if you'll need to Meditate to build your ki back up (wishing to cast Walk of the Sun right before a big battle, for example).
General Guidelines[edit]
Finishing moves are based on combinations of the elemental ki attacks Monks receive at level 1, as well as from action points ranking in a given discipline and the ki attacks granted as a result of your Philosophy choice. As such, the combinations are based on these types: Air, Earth, Fire, Water, Void, Light and Dark energy.
The list below outlines the Finishing Moves available end of 2023. They appear to come in 3 basic combination flavors:
- 3 uses of any elemental special Attack from a single discipline
- 3 uses of either a Positive or Negative special attack (Philosophy path)
- 1 use of an Elemental Attack from a single discipline, followed by either a positive or negative Special Attack, followed by 1 use of an Elemental attack from the same discipline you started the chain with.
The saving throws for monk abilities have a DC of 10 + monk level + wisdom modifier, unless otherwise mentioned. They are mostly Fortitude saves. Note: The finishers also seem to benefit from stunning bonuses.
Finishing Moves striking an enemy deal +30% damage.
Item effects improving spell power such as Potency, Devotion, Combustion affect finishing moves (particularly to Healing Ki) and operate as intended by the developers DDO Forums.
Note that ki attacks do NOT have to be directed at an enemy to count - you can do three Fire attacks in the middle of an empty hallway, then charge around a corner and unleash the Breath of the Fire Dragon upon a group of enemies.
List of Finishing Moves[edit]
Here are the known finishing moves, grouped loosely by the basic combination:
- Earth = Strike of the Enduring (any level) or Fists of Iron
- Air = Storm Strike (any level) or Knock on the Sky
- Fire = Fires of Purity (any level) or Eagle Claw Attack
- Water = Flowing Water Strike (any level) or Unbalancing Strike
- Void = Void Strike
- Light = Fists of Light or Shadows Cannot Exist Without Light
- Dark = Fists of Darkness or Every Light Casts a Shadow
Wait...what? I see both paths in my character sheet![edit]
Moves are related to the philosophy path feat one chooses at level 3. While all monks will see Harmonious Path and Inevitable Dominion feats in their character sheet, the character chooses either the Fists of Light or Fists of Darkness in order to perform the finishing moves that require them. Choose Fists of Light, and you are a Harmonious Monk. Choose Fists of Darkness and you are in the Dominion path.
Thus, a monk will only be eligible to execute moves related to their philosophy as they are eligible for later enhancements or feats. For instance, at level 10, monks will be granted both the Moment of Clarity and Curse of the Void finishing move feats. However, you can use only one of the two feats, based on your philosophy, as these feats require either Fists of Light or Fists of Darkness, and you'll possess only one of these two feats.
Look carefully in your Feats list and you will find either a Fists of Light or Fists of Darkness attack to determine what attacks you can do. (Drag the one you find to your toolbar to use it—as with all monk special moves, the attack is not placed there automatically.)
The Henshin Tier 5 Balance in Dawn enhancement grants a strike opposite to the path chosen at level 3. This strike qualifies as a Dark or Light move, enabling a Henshin monk with Balance in Dawn to build every finishing move available for their monk level. Care should be taken not to build opposing philosophy finishers using the same element in rapid succession, as the second attempt will fizzle. Rapidly building and executing a Pain Touch and Walk of the Sun pair of combos back to back will be fine, but a Freezing the Lifeblood attempt will fail if a Dance of Clouds combo was just completed.
Light attacks and Dark attacks are Interchangeable[edit]
The Fists of Light are shown in this table as a "Light" finishing move combo element, while the Fists of Darkness is known as a "Dark" move combo element. Both philosophies also gain other special Ki attacks that can substitute for Fists of Light or Fists of Darkness as part of a finishing combination.
Unlike elemental strikes that can be rapidly chained together by using Adept, Master or Grandmaster flavors that have their own cooldown timers, pure philosophy finishers require waiting for the cooldown on Fists of Light or Fists of Darkness for three straight strikes. This obviously precludes the use of any other monk strikes while building the finisher.
Differences in Finishing Moves between Light and Dark Monks[edit]
All dark Monk finishing moves use the Finishing Move activator as an actual attack, and require a target. All light Monk finishing moves use the Finishing Move activator as a non-attack move (the monk briefly brings their hands together in a prayer-like movement to complete), and no target is required. Targeting a nearby ally, however, will center the effect on him, rather than the Monk. Most elemental finishing moves, as well as Shining Star, are attacks and require a target. The Breath of the Fire Dragon (which emulates Burning Hands) is a short-range attack where a cone of fire is ejected from where the Monk faces.
Elemental Finishers[edit]
- The Trembling Earth
- Sequence: Earth - Earth - Earth
- 10 Ki.
- The attack has +2 critical multiplier, and the victim is unable to cast spells for 60 seconds.
- Fortitude save negates.
- The Gathering Storm
- Sequence: Air - Air - Air
- 10 Ki.
- The target's ability to Hit is reduced by 15% for 1 minute.
- Undead appear to be immune. Fortitude save negates.
- The Raging Sea
- Sequence: Water - Water - Water
- 10 Ki.
- The enemy's attacks are slowed by 15% for 1 minute.
- Fortitude save negates.
- Breath of the Fire Dragon
- Sequence: Fire - Fire - Fire
- 10 Ki.
- A cone of searing flame shoots forth, damaging targets in the area of the flames for 1d6 damage per Monk level.
- A successful Reflex save (DC 10 + Monk Level + Wisdom Modifier) reduces the damage by half.
- This move, which mimics Burning Hands, is very useful when attempting to open damageable doors that require more Strength than the monk has at hand (even in Fire Stance).
- Scales with 200% Melee Power
Path of Harmonious Balance Finishers[edit]
- Healing Ki
- Sequence: Light - Light - Light
- 10 Ki.
- You heal all nearby allies for 1d4 plus 1d4 per monk level.
- Does not harm undead foes.
- Healing Ki is increased by 100% positive spellpower.
- Healing Ki affects any allied player, including NPCs.
- Grasp the Earth Dragon
- Sequence: Earth - Light - Earth
- 10 Ki.
- Nearby allies become immune to daze, stun, and sleep for 60 seconds.
- Aligning the Heavens
- Sequence: Water - Light - Water
- 10 Ki.
- Nearby allies gain a 25% reduction in spell point costs for 60 seconds.
- This is a favorite move asked by experienced spell casters before buffing others at the start of a quest.
- Walk of the Sun
- Sequence: Fire - Light - Fire
- 10 Ki.
- Nearby allies gain a +2 untyped bonus to attack, saves, and skills for 60 seconds.
- Remember that helpful monk buffs such as this can not be dispelled by enemy spell casters, including beholders.
- Moment of Clarity
- Sequence: Void - Light - Void
- Nearby allies gain a +5 bonus to attack and skills for a short time (15 seconds). Formerly this was open to any level 10 monk that put a point in the Void Strike line, but is now available only to monks that have taken the Henshin Mystic tree to tier 5.
Path of Inevitable Dominion Finishers[edit]
- Touch of Despair
- Sequence: Dark - Dark - Dark
- 10 Ki.
- You strike your opponent down with a terrible curse, halving all positive energy healing done to the target, reducing its fortification by 25%, and increasing its negative energy vulnerability by 25%.
- Periodic Fortitude saves to negate.
- Pain Touch
- Sequence: Earth - Dark - Earth
- 10 Ki.
- Target is nauseated for 60 seconds.
- Periodic Fortitude saves to negate.
- The effect is understated. A target afflicted with Pain Touch moves at half speed, cannot attack, and cannot cast.
- Falling Star Strike
- Sequence: Air - Dark - Air
- 10 Ki.
- Target is blinded for 60 seconds.
- Periodic Fortitude saves to negate.
- Freezing the Lifeblood
- Sequence: Water - Dark - Water
- 10 Ki.
- Target is paralyzed and helpless for 60 seconds.
- Humanoid targets only. Periodic Fortitude saves to negate.
- Karmic Strike
- Sequence: Fire - Dark - Fire
- 10 Ki. 20 HP.
- This attack is guaranteed to produce critical threat if it hits.
- Using this finisher also costs the user 20 hit points, which cannot be reduced by effects such as Damage Resistance.
- Curse of the Void
- Sequence: Void - Dark - Void
- Your humanoid opponent is confused, and possibly charmed for a short time (up to 2 minutes).
- A Will Save (DC 10 + Monk level + Wisdom bonus) negates this effect.
- Each time the target takes damage there is a chance that they will break free of this effect.
- The effect reads "humanoid", but will work on any target Charm Monster would.
- As with Moment of Clarity, now only available to T5 Henshin Mystics.
Level 20 Finishing Move[edit]
- Shining Star
- Sequence: Earth - Air - Fire
- 10 Ki.
- You use the combined power of Earth, Wind, and Fire to set up harmonic vibrations within your enemy that force them to dance. A successful Will save negates this effect. (DC 10 + Monk Level + Wisdom mod + Stunning Bonuses)
- The enemy will dance for one minute with no recurring saves.
- This final finishing move mimics the effect of Otto's Resistible Dance on one target, but does not require a spell penetration check, and is not improved by Enchantment DC boosters.