Year of the Dragon: Through 24th December, claim your free Pick of the Dragon's Lair! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes. edit

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Dungeon master

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In PnP Dungeons & Dragons, dungeon master (DM) is the person who creates an adventure and leads the group of players through it. In DDO, the adventures or quests also have DM, who acts as a narrator and story teller. Several quests have guest narrators with some DnD background.

Who Role Quests
Dave Arneson Creator of Dungeons & Dragons Ruins of Threnal
Ed Greenwood Creator of the Forgotten Realms game world The Haunted Halls of Eveningstar
Gary Gygax Creator of Dungeons & Dragons Delera's Tomb
Keith Baker Creator of the Eberron world setting Masterminds of Sharn
Kyle Vogt Maze Arcana Masterminds of Sharn
Ruty Rutenberg Maze Arcana Masterminds of Sharn
Satine Phoenix Maze Arcana Masterminds of Sharn
Travis Willingham American voice actor, cast member of Critical Role Against the Slave Lords
Wil Wheaton American actor, D&D player The Temple of Elemental Evil

See also[edit]