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Item:Docent of Shadow (level 8)

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Docent of Shadow

Armor Type Docent Docent of Shadow shown.jpg
Feat Requirement None
Race Absolutely Required Warforged
Minimum Level 8
Binding Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Armor Bonus
Adamantine Body:+12
Mithral Body:+5
Composite Plating:+1
Maximum Dexterity Bonus
Armor Check Penalty
Arcane Spell Failure
Durability 130
Material GemIcon tooltip.pngGem: Items made of gem are generally extremely durable and have a very high hardness. Most commonly used to make trinkets and docents.
Hardness 18
Base Value 00032100003,210ppIcon tooltip.pngPlatinum Piece 
Weight 0 lbs
Location The Night Revels, Turn in Docent of Shadow (level 4)
and 80 IngIcon PieceOfDarkestChocolate.png Icon tooltip.pngPiece of Darkest Chocolate; obtained in the Graveyard mob slayer, Hayweird Foundry, or Getting Ahead in Lordsmarch Palace30 IngIcon ShadowyCaramel.png Icon tooltip.pngShadowy Caramel; obtained in The Kobolds' Newest Ringleader, Hayweird Foundry, or Getting Ahead in Lordsmarch Palace10 IngIcon PinchOfSinisterCinnamon.png Icon tooltip.pngPinch of Sinister Cinnamon; obtained in The Snitch and the Lich, Hayweird Foundry, or Getting Ahead in Lordsmarch Palace
Enchantments Docent of Shadow (level 8).png
Upgradeable? Joe Candymaker to Docent of Shadow (level 12)
Description This docent is as dark as the night sky and almost seems to crawl visibly with moving shadows. It boosts the power of its wearer's negative energy magic, and grants a measure of necromantic protection against enemy attacks.