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Item talk:Eberron Dragonshard

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eberron dragonshard[edit]

ive always been wondering what they are for, i know theyre collectibles that you xchange for something but i never turned in mine to find out what it becomes. i think like you need 3small, or 2 medium or 1 large or something. pls continue your research on this. - Sef326 03:15, November 20, 2009 (EST)

Eberron Dragonshards are traded in groups of 3 to various collectable well, collectors for various rare/valuable items. the full list of rewards can be found on in this talk's main page

Got a small ebberon dragonshard from a Lava Mephits collectable bag in Raiding the Giants' Vault. Neouni 12:19, May 18, 2011 (EDT)

Got a medium one run out of 7 (n/n/n/n/n/h*/e) of The Enemy Within. Yawgmoth 13:45, May 18, 2011 (EDT)

Aren't they random? Listing stuff like this makes it sound like, hey, not so much, try farming here! -LrdSlvrhnd 14:15, May 18, 2011 (EDT)

Yea they're random. 1% on any collectable node. Sub 0.1% on any monster dropped collectable bag. -Shade 16:41, May 18, 2011 (EDT) I have 3 screenshots of the the shard item description boxes. I'm uncertain how (if we want to) format them in.

SmallEberronDragonshardFragmentDesc.png MediumEberronDragonshardFragmentDesc.png LargeEberronDragonshardFragmentDesc.png

Taurolyon 19:35, March 10, 2012 (EST)

It looks a bit large for my liking, especially if you're not running a maximized browser. I'd normally prefer something that would allow for it to be legible (about 70~75% size), but you can always just click on it to get the full image. We could consider using the popup template.

I'm probably overstepping, but I feel I'm correct, but I'd also like to request that we keep the discussion on the discussion page, not on the history page.

Taurolyon 15:31, March 11, 2012 (EDT)

a non-maxed browser on a low rez screen sounds like a special case, not the average viewer. The average viewer is what we should optimize for.

Tip: Hold ctrl and use your mousewheel to dynamic change the size of pages, bigger or smaller. This also works far better then the wikis built in image resize in terms of maintaing image quality.. Thats what I do, I run at 1080p so I find the pages really tiny regardless, but I zoom them in and its good.. And they look a ton better when the images are resized.

Also looks like your the one who uploaded the pics.. So next time just resize em before upload if thats what u really want (just use a good program with a high quality resize algorism). Tho doing that reduces quality also, 420 pix is the exact game size with borders - no matter what rez you personally run, as the game's UI elements do not automatically resize.

I dont think users want to click on simple descript images to see the full size.. That should be reserved for high quality images of monsters/held weapon//armor shots.. Descript boxes at 420px is what the game uses, so anyone who actaully plays DDO should defienetely be able to fit them on their screen just fine.

Shade 20:57, March 11, 2012 (EDT)
I was simply thinking the information depicted on the image is already been copied to the page and wikified. The images were simply for flavor and merely redundant, hence my initial hesitance to place them into the page.

If I wanted to resize them prior to uploading them, I would have, but it may have made the text harder to read at some resolutions, regardless of the methods used to resize them. The quality is not lost when resizing them on the wiki page.

I sometimes utilize the in-game browser, which doesn't allow for style-sheet resizing. While this maybe a "special case" I do find it convenient when I'm not on my dual monitor setup and don't have to alt-tab back and forth. Taurolyon 15:48, March 12, 2012 (EDT)

Not that anyone will ever find them, but I moved the PicDesc images to a popup from the icon picture.. I think it looks cleaner this way anyways. ShoeMaker 16:09, March 12, 2012 (EDT)
Clever. I like it. Taurolyon 22:33, March 12, 2012 (EDT)

How to trade for purified dragonshards[edit]
