Year of the Dragon: Through 24th December, claim your free Pick of the Dragon's Lair! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes. edit
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Yannick Drumdoom
Name: Yannick Drumdoom <Morbid Curios Collector - Red Augments - Level 4>
Race: Dwarf
Gender: Male
Location: The Marketplace, south on the western edge of the jewelry and clothing vendors
- 100 +1 Arrows of Undead Bane for 2 Marks of the Keeper
- 100 +1 Bolts of Undead Bane for 2 Marks of the Keeper
- Elixir of Moderate Healing for 3 Funerary Tokens
- A randomly selected Minimum Level 4 Ruby Augment for 30 Funerary Tokens, 10 Marks of the Keeper and 5 Necromantic Gems
- The following Minimum Level 4 Ruby Augments for 8 Astral shards each:
- Ruby of Flame (2d6)
- Ruby of Frost (2d6)
- Ruby of Acid (2d6)
- Ruby of Shock (2d6)
- Ruby of Combustion 55
- Ruby of Glaciation 55
- Ruby of Corrosion 55
- Ruby of Magnetism 55
- Ruby of Resonance 55
- Ruby of Impulse 55
- Ruby of Radiance 55
- Ruby of Nullification 55
- Ruby of Devotion 55
- Ruby of Reconstruction 55
With "Eberron Dragonshard Fragment" dialog option: