Year of the Dragon: Through 24th December, claim your free Pick of the Dragon's Lair! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes. edit
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Item:Chipped Bone Talisman
Chipped Bone Talisman
This piece of bone is etched with a spiral design,reminescent of a scorpions curved tail. 3 Chipped Bone Talismans are desired by Zolar Drexxian outside House Deneith in the Deneith Ward.
- Tier 4 Cultural
- Common Drow Artifact
Found In Nodes
Locations for Farming
- Mob kills
- Gargoyles (Elite or higher)
- Tavern Brawl HE
- Madstone Crater HE
- A Cabal for One HE
- The Prisoner EC
- Fleshmaker's Laboratory HE
- The Lords of Dust EC
- Mask of Deception HN
- Terminal Delirium HC
Located in: * Ruins of Threnal - South excavation especially.
- Lair of Summoning - Very short F2P quest in House K with 10 gargoyles.
- Cult of the Six
- Redwillow's Ruins
- Ruined Halls
- Missing - The Adventurer's Pack after the underwater lever and the one on the rooftop after the Swiftfoot gang headquarters drop exclusively House Deneith. Collectables for alchemical potions, Chipped Bone Talismans are a common drop from there around (30% to 40%) but can be difficult to reach them on a unprepared character.
Collector turn in |
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Stone of Change Eldritch Ritual ingredient |
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Cannith Crafting | Bound shard recipe | INS Hide (Prefix), INS Move Silently (Prefix), INS Electric Resist (Prefix), INS Search (Prefix), INS Disease Ward (Prefix), INS Diversion (Prefix), INS Poison Resist (Prefix), INS Diplomacy (Prefix) |
Unbound shard recipe | INS Hide (Prefix), INS Move Silently (Prefix), INS Electric Resist (Prefix), INS Search (Prefix), INS Disease Ward (Prefix), INS Diversion (Prefix), INS Poison Resist (Prefix), INS Diplomacy (Prefix) |