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Item:Chipped Bone Talisman

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Chipped Bone Talisman icon.png

Chipped Bone Talisman

This piece of bone is etched with a spiral design,reminescent of a scorpions curved tail. 3 Chipped Bone Talismans are desired by Zolar Drexxian outside House Deneith in the Deneith Ward.

  • Tier 4 CulturalIcon tooltip.png
  • Common Drow Artifact

Found In Nodes

Locations for Farming

  • Mob kills
    • Gargoyles (Elite or higher)

Located in: * Ruins of Threnal - South excavation especially.

  • Lair of Summoning - Very short F2P quest in House K with 10 gargoyles.
  • Cult of the Six
  • Redwillow's Ruins
  • Ruined Halls
  • Missing - The Adventurer's Pack after the underwater lever and the one on the rooftop after the Swiftfoot gang headquarters drop exclusively House Deneith. Collectables for alchemical potions, Chipped Bone Talismans are a common drop from there around (30% to 40%) but can be difficult to reach them on a unprepared character.


Collector turn in
  • Located in: Deneith Ward
Stone of Change Eldritch Ritual ingredient
  • N/A
Cannith Crafting Bound shard recipe INS Hide (Prefix), INS Move Silently (Prefix), INS Electric Resist (Prefix), INS Search (Prefix), INS Disease Ward (Prefix), INS Diversion (Prefix), INS Poison Resist (Prefix), INS Diplomacy (Prefix)
Unbound shard recipe INS Hide (Prefix), INS Move Silently (Prefix), INS Electric Resist (Prefix), INS Search (Prefix), INS Disease Ward (Prefix), INS Diversion (Prefix), INS Poison Resist (Prefix), INS Diplomacy (Prefix)