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Dire Bear

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Dire Bear.png

Type: Animal (List)

Race: Bear (List)

Sub-race: Dire Bear (List)

Monster Manual classification: Bear

Alignment: True Neutral

Color Type: Orange - Named Enemy

Rare: No

CR:  ♦18Normal ♥21Hard ♠26Elite ♥29Epic Hard

Attack: Claw (Slashing), Bite (Piercing), Paw stomp (Knockdown), Shoulder smash (Knockback)


Description: This immense bear is a major threat to any lone adventurer, as they would be hard-pressed to survive an encounter with one. Change into the Dire Bear form as a Druid and gain bonuses to Strength, Constitution and access a whole host of bear spells!

Generally has a large amount of hit points relative to its CR level and high Fortitude saves.