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Dinosaur race

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A typical Dinosaur (this belongs to the Raptor sub-race)


Dinosaurs are Animal type monsters.



A dinosaur uses its powerful natural weapons in combat. Options that are available to them include:


Dinosaurs' qualities vary wildly depending on which sub-race they belong to.


  • Raptor sub-race - as well as raptors, this sub-race includes the smaller celiophysis and the clawfoot, an Eberron-exclusive creature introduced as a stand-in for Jurassic Park's wildly inaccurate depiction of a Velociraptor.
  • Ankylosaur sub-race - also includes the similarly built Polacanthus.
  • Triceratops sub-race - also includes close relative the Styracosaurus and smaller cousin the Protoceratops.
  • Tyrannosaur sub-race - also includes fellow bipedal predators Allosaurus and Carnotaurus.

Creature Entries (45)[edit]