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Paladin playstyle

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Playing a Paladin in DDO[edit]

The DDO Paladin plays the role of a primary melee character in most parties. He is typically expected to be a front-line fighter, serving as primary DPS, support melee, shield blocker, and meat shield. Paladins are usually treated as Fighters who can wand-heal themselves and provide their own Resist Energy and other minor buffs. Many parties appreciate a Paladin in the group, as they expect most Paladins to carry some of the Paladin Aura Enhancements, thus providing better AC and Saves for the rest of the party.

As Paladins are expected to be a front-line melee, alongside the Fighter and Barbarian, if your Paladin does not fit that standard role, it is recommended you inform any potential party if your build is outside these expected role. As with Rangers, and other self-healing classes, many Clerics will certainly heal you in the midst of a fight, but some Clerics may expect you to heal yourself up between fights, and many parties will call upon you to help with the healing, so it is recommended that every Paladin carry a few wands on him at all times.

As Paladin/Rogue builds are common, but there are many differences between them, be sure to inform your party immediately if you have Rogue Skills, such as Search, Open Lock, and Disable Device, as the party may then choose to not recruit a Rogue and rely on your skills instead. Similarly, if you have UMD, let your party and your Cleric know if you carry Raise Dead Scrolls or Heal scrolls to help back up the Cleric.

General Hints on Playing a Paladin[edit]

  • Paladins have some of the best saves in the game, use them to your advantage
    • Paladins should always target enemy spellcasters, and take them down first
    • A Paladin's save should make him nearly immune to most casters, especially for Evasion Paladins
  • Carry a good selection of weapons for all occasions
  • Carry a few wands
    • Remember that Paladins can use a wands at the following levels:
    • Help out the party with healing
    • A good party with a few self-healing classes can run most content without a Cleric