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Item:Sigil of Dal Quor

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An item from The Restless Isles chain, created by speaking to Ostler Caulstone in The Foothold and asking him to combine a Broken Sigil (from Bring Me the Head of Ghola-Fan!) and a Shattered Sigil (from Slavers of the Shrieking Mines).

Note that you can run those quests, and so collect those 2 pieces, at level 7, but you must be Level 8 (or higher) to qualify for the Level 11 raid, and so be recognized to assemble the two pieces as described above.

A completed and repaired (see below) Sigil of Dal Quor must be in your inventory to gain entry to the The Twilight Forge raid, which in turn is the entrance to The Titan Awakes raid.

Note that whenever you run the raid, your sigil will become "damaged", and you must return to Ostler Caulstone to have it repaired (for free) before you can run the raid again. This can only be done by Ostler Caulstone, and is different from normal "repair" by typical vendors.