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Delera Omaren IV

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Delera Omaren IV.jpg

Name: Delera Omaren IV

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Affiliation(s): The Coin Lords



  • The great-granddaughter of the famed benefactor, Delera Omaren, Delera IV is one of the four Coin Lords in Lordsmarch Plaza. She and other Coin Lords are troubled by the approach of Droaam forces near Stormreach. She and other Coin Lords are attacked by Hesstess and turned to stone, awaiting rescue in the quest, Eyes of Stone. Delera IV bestows the final quest that rids Stormreach of the Droaam invasion, Siegebreaker, and offers a quest end reward (another NPC in the Plaza offers the story arc's final end reward).
  • Background note: she's cited in Treasure of Crystal Cove/Treasure Map quests.


Delera can be found on the top floor in the ball room, talking with ????. Talking to her will make she randomly say one of those lines:

  • Delera Omaren IV: I am the fourth Omaren to bear the Delera name.
  • Delera Omaren IV: I demand that House Jorasco investigate the disturbances in Delera's Graveyard!
  • Delera Omaren IV: The Stormreach Guard would be naked and unarmed but for my forges. They should owe their loyalty to me, not to that decrepit Amanatu.

Lordsmarch Palace[edit]

When you first enter the palace, she is with the other Coin Lords, granting an audience to Hesstess:

  • Delera Omaren IV: The arrival of Droaam will bring blood. I have seen it.
  • You: I'll let you get back to your meeting.