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Yorrick Amanatu

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Yorrick Amanatu.jpg

Name: Yorrick Amanatu

Race: Dwarf

Gender: Male

Bestows Quest(s): The Sharn Syndicate, Assault on Summerfield

Affiliation(s): The Coin Lords


Description: <Coin Lord>
He is a dwarven warrior and is one of Stormreach's four Coin Lords who rule the city through force, wit or deception. Yorrick is seen as a grim dwarf who allows anyone of any background to serve under him as long as their loyalties are absolute. Thus, he commands the respect of men whom he has given a second chance.

Notes: He denies it nowadays, but Yorrick Amanatu comes from a long line of pirates, and it's all but stated he used to be one himself. You can fight one of his family, Barris Bluebeard Amanatu, in Three-Barrel Cove, find an old treasure hoard stated to belong to him in Crystal Cove, and even find the zombie of one of his relatives, Vanya Amanatu, shoved into a deposit box in Lordsmarch Bank. If only we knew how it got there...

The Marketplace[edit]

If you try to talk to him while at level 2 or lower, he will reply:

  • Yorrick Amanatu: The Marketplace can be a tough place for someone like you. I suggest you get a little more experience in the world before coming here.

If you are at level 3 or higher, however, he will reply:

  • Yorrick Amanatu: I don't recognize you, pup. Whom do you serve?
    • You: I serve the cause of righteousness.
      • Yorrick Amanatu: An idealistic adventurer! -- I wonder how long you'll keep your attitude before Stormreach knocks it out of your head.
      • Yorrick Amanatu: But as long as you feel that way, mayhaps you can help me be rid of the Sharn Syndicate and all the misery they're causing.
      • Yorrick Amanatu: That'll bring about... er, virtue... and justice... and all that. What say you?
        • You: All right, I'll help you get rid of the Sharn Syndicate. (Bestow chain)
        • You: What's this Sharn Syndicate?
          • Yorrick Amanatu: They're connected to the Boromar Clan in the city of Sharn — thieves and murderers, the whole lot of them!
          • Yorrick Amanatu: They sent someone here to Stormreach... someone high in their syndicate, a 'Talon Darsin'.
          • Yorrick Amanatu: This Talon is trying to expand their criminal empire into Stormreach. I intend to keep that from happening.
          • Yorrick Amanatu: Will you help Guard Kayd take the Syndicate down? He's waiting near the Shiny Shilling in the Marketplace.
            • You: All right, I'll help you get rid of the Sharn Syndicate. (Bestow chain)
    • You: I serve no one!
      • Yorrick Amanatu: So you're a mercenary! -- Well, mayhaps you can do a job for me...
      • Yorrick Amanatu: You see, the Sharn Syndicate is moving into my city, and I like that not one little bit. If you can help me be rid of them, I promise you'll be rewarded handsomely.
      • Yorrick Amanatu: What say you?
        • You: All right, I'll help you get rid of the Sharn Syndicate. (Bestow chain)
        • You: What's this Sharn Syndicate? (see above)
    • You: I'll serve you.
      • Yorrick Amanatu: Well, aren't you exuberant!
      • Yorrick Amanatu: But as you can see, I have all the guard recruits I need. Still, mayhaps you can help me with something the guards has been woefully unable to do...
      • Yorrick Amanatu: You see, the Sharn Syndicate is moving into my city, and that's sure to destabilize the balance of power. If you can help me be rid of them, you'll be doing a great service to Stormreach.
      • Yorrick Amanatu: What say you?
        • You: All right, I'll help you get rid of the Sharn Syndicate. (Bestow chain)
        • You: What's this Sharn Syndicate? (see above)

The Sharn Syndicate: Slab[edit]

After getting the chain, he will assign you your first objective:

  • Yorrick Amanatu: Slab the Crusher has been talking to the Statler brothers, apparently trying to acquire a building they own.
  • Yorrick Amanatu: But, Slab is one of Talon Darsin's lieutenants - a Sharn Syndicate underlord!
  • Yorrick Amanatu: I don't intend to allow him and the Sharn Syndicate to get a safehouse in my city!
  • Yorrick Amanatu: Find Maxwell Statler in the Southwest part of the Marketplace, and keep him from giving Slab the building.
    • You: Very well, I'll talk to Maxwell Startler (Advance chain)
    • You: What's this Sharn Syndicate? (see above)

After you successfully completes Stand Your Ground, he will say:

  • Yorrick Amanatu: Slab the Crusher is dead, the Syndicate's plan is foiled, and the Statler brothers are in my debt.
  • Yorrick Amanatu: You've done well, <name>.
  • Yorrick Amanatu: But Talon Darsin is still at large and the Sharn Syndicate hasn't given up.
    • You: So where do we hit the Sharn Syndicate next?

The Sharn Syndicate: Laundry[edit]

He will then assign you your second objective:

  • Yorrick Amanatu: Talon Darsin always sends a cut of his profits back to Sharn, which just encourages the Sharn Syndicate to give him more men!
  • Yorrick Amanatu: Well no more! -- One of my guardsmen found out where their next shipment is going through.
  • Yorrick Amanatu: Meet with Guard Kayd near the Shiny Shilling in the Marketplace, and put a stop to the Syndicate's money laundering.
    • You: Very well, I'll talk to Guard Kayd (Advance chain)
    • You: Why don't you just send your city guard in?
      • Yorrick Amanatu: This isn't the first Sharn Syndicate front I've found. But whenever the Guard tried to raid one, the Syndicate disappeared before they got there!
      • Yorrick Amanatu: If I didn't know better, I'd say they paid off someone in my guard... , grrr.
      • Yorrick Amanatu: But this time, only you, I, and Guard Kayd know that we've found them. And Kayd is one of my most trusted men...
      • Yorrick Amanatu: Will you help Guard Kayd take the Syndicate down? He's waiting near the Shiny Shilling in the Marketplace.
        • You: Very well, I'll talk to Guard Kayd (Advance chain)
    • You: What's this Sharn Syndicate? (see above)

After you successfully completes Dirty Laundry, he will say:

  • Yorrick Amanatu: Well done in the Shiny Shilling. Without that flow of money, the Boromar Clan will be loathe to send any more men to help Talon Darsin.
    • You: So there won't be any more reinforcements from Sharn. But how do we deal with the ones already here?

The Sharn Syndicate: Underlord[edit]

He will then assign you your third objective:

  • Yorrick Amanatu: My spymaster tells me that Burgundy Tir recently had dealings with a Sharn Syndicate underlord, probably one of Talon Darsin's lieutenants.
  • Yorrick Amanatu: If you get him to tell you where this lieutenant is, my guard could pay him a little visit.
  • Yorrick Amanatu: You can find Burgundy Tir in the Northeast part of the Marketplace.
    • You: Very well, I'll question Burgundy Tir. (Advance chain)
    • You: Why don't you just get your answers from him directly?
      • Yorrick Amanatu: I'd like nothing more than to hang Burgundy by his toes until he tells all about this Syndicate underlord!
      • Yorrick Amanatu: But, he's well connected with Sel Shadra, and the last thing I want is a war with another Coin Lord.
      • Yorrick Amanatu: No, I need someone to do this who can't be traced back to me... and that's you.
        • You: Very well, I'll question Burgundy Tir. (Advance chain)
    • You: What's this Sharn Syndicate? (see above)

After you successfully completes The Stormreaver Fresco, he will say:

  • Yorrick Amanatu: My spymaster already heard. Zircon is the Sharn Syndicate underlord.
  • Yorrick Amanatu: Good work for ferreting him out. I won't quibble about what you had to do...
    • You: Good, and I'm anxious to get my revenge against the Sharn Syndicate. What's next?

The Sharn Syndicate: Binds of Blood[edit]

He will then assign you your next objective:

  • Yorrick Amanatu: What we really need to do is stop the Sharn Syndicate's profits. Then it'll just shrivel up and die on its own.
  • Yorrick Amanatu: The Syndicate has a particularly lucrative scheme: They force merchants to give all their possessions by holding their families hostage!
  • Yorrick Amanatu: Their latest victim is Olistair Binder here in the Marketplace. Talk to him, and don't let him give the Sharn Syndicate a single copper!
    • You: Very well, I'll talk to Olistair Binder (Advance chain)
    • You: Why don't you just send the City Guard?
      • Yorrick Amanatu: My guard is busy trying to put a stop to all other Sharn Syndicate schemes.
      • Yorrick Amanatu: When I can shake a few guards loose, I'll send them to help.
      • Yorrick Amanatu: But, I doubt Olistair Binder's family will live long enough for that to happen, unless you find him and help him, that is.
        • You: Very well, I'll talk to Olistair Binder (Advance chain)
    • You: What's this Sharn Syndicate? (see above)

After you successfully completes The Bookbinder Rescue, he will say:

  • Yorrick Amanatu: Since you rescued Binder's family, all the other merchants have started hiring adventurers rather than paying off the Sharn Syndicate.
  • Yorrick Amanatu: That frees up my city guard to finally track down where Talon Darsin is hiding. And then there's the benefit of all the dead Syndicate goons, har, har! -- I only wish I could see Talon's face!
    • You: What do we need to do to finish off the Sharn Syndicate?

The Sharn Syndicate: Stolen Property[edit]

He will then assign you your next objective:

  • Yorrick Amanatu: Unfortunately, something more pressing just came up. Remember Zircon? He tricked you into helping him steal the Stormreaver Fresco from the Lordsmarch Bank?
  • Yorrick Amanatu: Well, the true owner of that fresco just came to me. He's a dragon, and he's threatening to torch my city!
  • Yorrick Amanatu: I need you to go to Kear and do whatever you need to appease him. He's in a small plaza just Northeast of the Lordsmarch Bank in the Marketplace.
    • You: All righ, I'll set things straight with this dragon. (Advance chain)
    • You: What, do you expect me to offer my life to him?!?
      • Yorrick Amanatu: I expect a measure of sacrifice from those in my employ... -- but I doubt Kear would take your life even if you offered it.
      • Yorrick Amanatu: He's a golden dragon, and they are notoriously inflexible about their virtues. I'm sure he simply expects you to get his fresco back for him.
      • Yorrick Amanatu: Kear is in a small plaza just Northeast of the Lordsmarch Bank in the Marketplace.
    • You: A dragon? I haven't seen any dragons around the Market, and I think they'd be hard to miss.
      • Yorrick Amanatu: I've seen dragons assume the form of dwarves, elves, humans, and even a kobold once.
      • Yorrick Amanatu: I don't think dragons like to show themselves in their full draconic glory, until they're ready to kill you, that is.
      • Yorrick Amanatu: In any case, Kear is in the form of an elf. He's waiting for you in a small plaza just Northeast of the Lordsmarch Bank in the Marketplace.

After you successfully completes Repossession, he will say:

  • Yorrick Amanatu: Kear is no longer breathing down my neck, and I hear you've eliminated the Sharn Syndicate underlord, Zircon, as well! I knew you were a person of competence when I first met you, <name>!
  • Yorrick Amanatu: Now that all of Talon Darsin's underlords are gone, he's fully exposed. I think we might have the chance to destroy the Sharn Syndicate's presence in Stormreach once and for all!
    • You: Now we're talking! What's the plan?

The Sharn Syndicate: Gangs of Stormreach[edit]

He will then assign you your final objective:

  • Yorrick Amanatu: Your actions have left the Sharn Syndicate and talon Darsin exposed, allowing my spymaster to locate him.
  • Yorrick Amanatu: All that's left is for you to eliminate Talon. It'll need to send the right message... something public, perharps? -- Yes, killing him that way would be perfect.
  • Yorrick Amanatu: My spymaster has already come up with an elaborate plan for how to do it. Meet Madhand Mulvaney in the Northwest part of the Marketplace.
    • You: Very well, I'll talk to Madhand Mulvaney (Advance chain)
    • You: What's this Sharn Syndicate? (see above)

After you successfully completes Come Out and Slay, and thus the chain, he will say:

  • Yorrick Amanatu: Jolly good show for killing Talon Darsin!
  • Yorrick Amanatu: Without him, the Sharn Syndicate is falling apart. My city guard is rounding up what's left of them and tossing them in the dungeons.
  • Yorrick Amanatu: And as a final touch, I'm sending Talon's head back to Sharn. I'm sure the Boromar Clan will get the message.
  • Yorrick Amanatu: The Sharn Syndicate is finished!

After completing the chain and take the reward, if you talk to him again, he will reply:

  • Yorrick Amanatu: Those blasted thieves from Sharn are back and are causing trouble once again.
  • Yorrick Amanatu: You did well handling them before. Would you be interested in taking up arms against the Sharn Syndicate once more?

Lordsmarch Palace[edit]

When you first enter the palace, he is with the other Coin Lords, granting an audience to Hesstess:

  • Yorrick Amanatu: I don't care if she is a diplomat. We can't trust that medusa!
  • You: I'll let you get back to your meeting.

After talking to Darmon Kosh or when quest is available:

  • Yorrick Amanatu: We knew this time was coming, <Name>. Now it's here. The Droaam army has launched their attack on Stormreach!
  • Yorrick Amanatu: Their forces are besieging the outer walls right now. We're holding them off - for now - but we haven't heard from the Summerfield District in hours.
  • Yorrick Amanatu: I want you to go to the Summerfield District and take charge of the defense there. Don't let the enemy break through!
  • You: Why are they attacking Summerfield?
    • Yorrick Amanatu: Summerfield has one of our more lightly defended city gates. No doubt Droaam is trying to break it down and swarm into the city. It's up to you to stop them!
    • Yorrick Amanatu: You can reach Summerfield by taking a gate from Lordsmarch Plaza. Once you're in Summerfield, find Captain Markus - if he's still alive. He'll give you more orders.
    • You: I understand. Summerfield shall not fall! <Quest bestowed>
  • You: The city is under attack! How did this happen?
    • Yorrick Amanatu: We don't know. Magic, most likely. We know they have large numbers of gnoll spell casters, and there have also been medusa sightings.
    • Yorrick Amanatu: Hiding an entire army, though? There's got to be something much more powerful behind that.
    • Yorrick Amanatu: But that's not our department. What's important right now is that you get over to the Summerfield District and hold it against the enemy!
    • You: Summerfield shall not fall!
      • Yorrick Amanatu: Summerfield has one of our more lightly defended city gates. No doubt Droaam is trying to break it down and swarm into the city. It's up to you to stop them!
      • Yorrick Amanatu: You can reach Summerfield by taking a gate from Lordsmarch Plaza. Once you're in Summerfield, find Captain Markus - if he's still alive. He'll give you more orders.
      • You: I understand. Summerfield shall not fall! <Quest bestowed>

After you have Assault on Summerfield quest:

  • Yorrick Amanatu: We'll talk later, <Name>. For now, hold the Summerfield District!

After quest completed:

  • Yorrick Amanatu: We've managed to beat back Droaam's initial assault on the city, and it's all thanks to your valiant work in the Summerfield district. I'll see you're rewarded for your efforts.
  • Yorrick Amanatu: I wish this were the end, <Name>, but it's not. Yet with your help this may mark the beginning of the end of Droaam's invasion!

After reward claimed:

  • Yorrick Amanatu: The Droaam army is attacking the city! Get over to the Summerfield district and hold it!
  • You: (Repeat the 'Assault on Summerfield' quest)

Eyes of Stone[edit]

Yorrick was turned to stone alongside the other Coin Lords. After you turn he back into flesh, he want to talk to you:

  • Yorrick Amanatu: ????????????????