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Name: Ingram

Race: Warforged

Gender: Unknown

Bestows Quest(s): The Path to Misery's Peak

Location: Korthos Island, near the entrance gate to Korthos Village

Description: Ingram is guarding the gate to Korthos Village from the sahuagins. He will not trust you, until you actually meet his master, Lars Heyton.

Korthos Island[edit]

After you get access to the Island, he will not talk much to you. He will say one of those lines randomly:

  • Ingram: If the Cultists attempt to enter, there will be... trouble.
  • Ingram: I am tireless in my vigilance.

After you have completed the quest Redemption, Ursa Jernsvard says that that he wants to talk to you:

  • Ingram: Well met, <name>.
  • Ingram: Master Heyton sends word that he is ready to strike a crippling blow against the Sahuagin.
    • You: So what's the plan?
      • Ingram: My brother, Amalgam, will relay you to Heyton.
      • Ingram: Travel south-east through the Korthos Island wilderness until you reach the opposite shore. There, you shall find an Adventurer's Camp, near the base of Misery's Peak.
      • Ingram: Amalgam is waiting there.
        • You: Very well, I'll find this camp. (Bestow quest)
    • You: Ingram, why didn't you tell me before that you worked for Lars Heyton?
      • Ingram: Do you know which villagers have been turned to the Devourer?
      • Ingram: I do not.
      • Ingram: It is best no one know whom I serve. We do not want Sahuagin spies to follow me and find the Master—again.
      • Ingram: Please do not tell anyone about me. Thank you for your cooperation.
        • You: So what's the plan? (see above)

After you complete Misery's Peak, he will say:

  • Ingram: Master Heyton is well, and sends his regards.
  • Ingram: My purpose now is to protect the village from the remaining Devourer Cultists.