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Equipment slot
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Your character has 16 equipment slots for gear that your character is currently using. Each slot is for a specific type of equipment, and most can only hold 1 item at a time. Items of appropriate type can be swapped out easily, but must be in an equipment slot in order to receive the benefit of the new item - items in Inventory do not give any bonuses to the character!
Your character also has an additional 5 "cosmetic slots"; main hand, off-hand, headwear, armor, and cloak.
- Mousehover over a slot to see what item goes there; click a slot to drop down to the appropriate section, below.
Armbands & Bracelets[edit]
Held Items[edit]
- (aka "Weapons")
Anything that can go in either the primary or secondary hand slots:
Anything that can go in a cosmetic slot: