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Secrets of the Red Wizards

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Magic of Myth Drannor adpack icon.jpg
DDO Point icon.png Requires access to adventure pack: Magic of Myth Drannor
Secrets of the Red Wizards
Heroic level: 13
Epic level: 35
(considered Legendary)
Duration: Medium
Heroic XP:  ♥3,062Hard
Epic XP: N/A
Takes place in: The Irithlium
Bestowed by: [[]]
NPC contact: [[]]
Quest acquired in: [[]]
Patron: [[]]
Base favor:
Purchase: Magic of Myth Drannor
Extreme Challenge: No
No Map.jpg



Spoiler Warning: Spoiler material below this point!


  • Learn the Red Wizards' plans (4)
  • Find the Ildrannath artifact
  • Defeat Zun'Thar the Unbound
  • (Optional) Find a way to open the barricaded door. — Bonus (1.1%): Heroic( ♥34 )
  • (Optional) Defeat R'zz Fr'zz the Imp. — Bonus (15.7%): Heroic( ♥481 )
  • (Optional) Defeat Caracoxa the Ettercap. — no XP
  • (Optional) Defeat Hyrzxx the Doomsphere. — Bonus (25%): Heroic( ♥766 )

Tips and Misc

  • The Red Wizards of Thay have set up a field base here in the Irithlium, a ruined school of magic. They're also keeping an artifact plundered from Ildrannath - rumored to be key to controlling the Mythal - somewhere inside.
  • Despite being marked as medium, this quest has a lot of content, much of which is entirely optional. There are also a lot of Wild Magic Zones, along with Dead Magic Zones - similar-looking blue zones that cause Arcane Spell Failure and slowly suppress enchantments on gear while players remain inside. Note that summoned creatures may be banished or turn hostile while in these zones!
  • The optimal route for quest completion goes as follows:
    • Head through the first room into a classroom. Fight the red wizards there and read the Message Stone.
    • In the next corridor, ignore the route to the West Wing and enter the cellars. Avoiding any side rooms, head east to the staircase and up into the East Wing.
    • Read the note by the Ildrannath, then do both of the following (order is unimportant):
    • Walk up to the nearby gate, eavesdrop on the conversation, then enter the room and fight several Red Wizards and Skeletons, followed by quest bosses Thramont the Watchful and the Thayian Bone Guard. (Note that Red Wizard Necromancers and Thramont both repeatedly raise nearby Skeletons, and also have an effect that reduces all incoming ranged and melee damage if they haven't been attacked in melee recently - although Thramont also takes heavily reduced damage if the Thayian Bone Guard is still active.)
    • Go back to the previous room, which contained a locked gate, and head up the staircase. Pull three levers in the classrooms upstairs to open the gate, then enter and read the final message.
  • Optionals:
    • To open the barricaded door, simply break the planks holding it shut with an AoE spell or melee attack. This also provides a convenient route for latecomers to enter the final boss room.
    • To open the door to R'zz Fr'zz in the first room, you'll need the Crest of the Trident, which can be in multiple places - guarded by Ettercaps in the cellar, guarded by zombies and possibly a Naga in the dormitory, or guarded by Red Wizards and a Shield Guardian in the classrooms. The upper layers can be reached without jumping by scrambling up slopes of rubble.
    • Caracoxa is fought in the cellars.
    • To fight Hyr'zxx, you must head to the roof - this can be reached by jumping up to the top floor of the entrance room, by heading through the West Wing dormitory, or via a staircase in the East Wing classrooms. Afterwards, you must break down the barricade leading south to enter the library, then fight your way through waves of Ghouls and the odd Wheep. There's also a room on the way full of fire boobytraps - if you don't have a high Reflex save it's much safer to jump across the nearby bookshelves. (This is best done last, as a convenient lever in the boss room opens a Dimension Door back to the entrance.)

Bonus XP

  • Aggression bonus: 34 or more monsters killed +10% Bonus.( ♥306 )
  • Onslaught bonus: 67 or more monsters killed +15% Bonus.( ♥459 )
  • Conquest bonus: 100 or more monsters killed +25% Bonus.( ♥766 )
  • Mischief bonus: 24 or more breakables smashed +8% Bonus.( ♥245 )
  • Vandal bonus: 31 or more breakables smashed +10% Bonus.( ♥306 )
Notes: Ransack appears to be impossible.


  • Chests: 5
  • One guarded by Caracoxa
  • One guarded by R'zz Fr'zz
  • One guarded by Hyr'zxx
  • One in the room with the final message from Orgul, trapped and locked
  • end chest
  • Collectables: 6 out of
    • Fungus — in the first classroomIcon tooltip.pngCrypt MothHairy Trumpet MushroomShimmering Spore PodBruised Spore PodSour DarkcapExecutioner BeetleFragrant DrowshoodFlowering Spore PodHeadsman BeetleIntact Spore PodDuskbrood TrumpeterFlowering Hellscap
    • Cabinet — in the dormitory, behind the first metal doorIcon tooltip.pngTome: History of the HousesHouse-Sealed LetterRomantic SonnetScholarly NotesSilver Flame HymnalTome: Lost Songs of CyreRunic ParchmentTome: Codes of the AurumLightning-Split SoarwoodCeramic BowlLodestoneSinged SoarwoodGlass PhialCharred SoarwoodMoonstoneCrystal DecanterStellar OrbAdventuring OratorioVial of Dragon's Blood InkArchaic LogbookPouch of Bone FragmentsAncient TextBrass Censer
    • Crude Altar — in Caracoxa's roomIcon tooltip.pngTome: History of the HousesHouse-Sealed LetterRomantic SonnetScholarly NotesSilver Flame HymnalTome: Lost Songs of CyreRunic ParchmentTome: Codes of the AurumAmulet of the Lost EmpireSmall Planar CrystalPlanar SpoorAmulet of the SixAmulet of the ArchbishopPlanar TalismanElemental IngotLightning-Split SoarwoodCeramic BowlLodestoneSinged SoarwoodGlass PhialCharred SoarwoodMoonstoneCrystal DecanterStellar OrbOrnate CharmAdventuring OratorioToken of the SpiderVial of Dragon's Blood InkArchaic LogbookPouch of Bone FragmentsAncient TextFlint KnifeBrass Censer
    • Bookshelf — in the classroom with the blue leverIcon tooltip.pngAdventuring OratorioArchaic LogbookAncient TextTome: History of the HousesHouse-Sealed LetterScholarly NotesRomantic SonnetSilver Flame HymnalTome: Lost Songs of CyreRunic ParchmentTome: Codes of the Aurum
    • Bookshelf — in the classroom with the yellow leverIcon tooltip.pngAdventuring OratorioArchaic LogbookAncient TextTome: History of the HousesHouse-Sealed LetterScholarly NotesRomantic SonnetSilver Flame HymnalTome: Lost Songs of CyreRunic ParchmentTome: Codes of the Aurum
    • Adventurer's Pack — on a ledge above the final staircase in the Library - difficult to reach without a Leap ability (possibly a broken secret door in this area?)Icon tooltip.pngTome: History of the HousesHouse-Sealed LetterBruised Spore PodSour DarkcapExecutioner BeetleFragrant DrowshoodFlowering Spore PodHeadsman BeetleIntact Spore PodDuskbrood TrumpeterFlowering HellscapRomantic SonnetScholarly NotesSilver Flame HymnalTome: Lost Songs of CyreRunic ParchmentTome: Codes of the AurumAmulet of the Lost EmpireSmall Planar CrystalPlanar SpoorAmulet of the SixAmulet of the ArchbishopPlanar TalismanElemental IngotLightning-Split SoarwoodCeramic BowlLodestoneSinged SoarwoodGlass PhialCharred SoarwoodMoonstoneCrystal DecanterStellar OrbOrnate CharmShimmering Spore PodAdventuring OratorioToken of the SpiderVial of Dragon's Blood InkHairy Trumpet MushroomArchaic LogbookPouch of Bone FragmentsCrypt MothAncient TextFlint KnifeBrass Censer
    • Adventurer's Pack — in the first room of the libraryIcon tooltip.pngTome: History of the HousesHouse-Sealed LetterBruised Spore PodSour DarkcapExecutioner BeetleFragrant DrowshoodFlowering Spore PodHeadsman BeetleIntact Spore PodDuskbrood TrumpeterFlowering HellscapRomantic SonnetScholarly NotesSilver Flame HymnalTome: Lost Songs of CyreRunic ParchmentTome: Codes of the AurumAmulet of the Lost EmpireSmall Planar CrystalPlanar SpoorAmulet of the SixAmulet of the ArchbishopPlanar TalismanElemental IngotLightning-Split SoarwoodCeramic BowlLodestoneSinged SoarwoodGlass PhialCharred SoarwoodMoonstoneCrystal DecanterStellar OrbOrnate CharmShimmering Spore PodAdventuring OratorioToken of the SpiderVial of Dragon's Blood InkHairy Trumpet MushroomArchaic LogbookPouch of Bone FragmentsCrypt MothAncient TextFlint KnifeBrass Censer
  • Notes: Only one of the Adventurer's Packs spawns; all other collectables are fixed.

NPC end rewards

Randomly generated loot, ML correlates with effective quest level.

Named Chest Drop

Category:Secrets of the Red Wizards loot


Name ( picture ) CR Type Race
Blazing Bones( Lview
Blazing Bones.png
 • edit )
 ♦13Normal ♥15Hard ♠18Elite Undead Skeleton
Caracoxa( Lview
 • edit )
 ♦16Normal ♥18Hard ♠21Elite Aberration Ettercap
Carrion Crawler( Lview
Carrion Crawler.png
 • edit )
 ♦13Normal ♥15Hard ♠18Elite Aberration Carrion Crawler
Caster( Lview
 • edit )
 ♦14Normal ♥16Hard ♠19Elite Aberration Naga
Chaos Crawler( Lview
Chaos Crawler.png
 • edit )
 ♦13Normal ♥15Hard ♠18Elite Aberration Carrion Crawler
Draining Mouth( Lview
Draining Mouth.png
 • edit )
 ♦13Normal ♥15Hard ♠18Elite Undead Skeleton
Forgotten Helmed Horror( Lview
Forgotten Helmed Horror.png
 • edit )
 ♦13Normal ♥15Hard ♠18Elite Construct Helmed Horror
Hyr'zxx( Lview
 • edit )
 ♦16Normal ♥18Hard ♠21Elite Undead Beholder
Irithlium Ghoul( Lview
Irithlium Ghoul.png
 • edit )
 ♦13Normal ♥15Hard ♠18Elite Undead Ghoul
Irithlium Wheep( Lview
Irithlium Wheep.png
 • edit )
 ♦13Normal ♥15Hard ♠18Elite Undead Wheep
Nothic Scrounger( Lview
Nothic Scrounger.png
 • edit )
 ♦15Normal ♥17Hard ♠20Elite Aberration Nothic
Nothic Seeker( Lview
Nothic Seeker.png
 • edit )
 ♦13Normal ♥15Hard ♠18Elite Aberration Nothic
R'zz Fr'zz( Lview
R'zz Fr'zz.png
 • edit )
 ♦16Normal ♥18Hard ♠21Elite Evil Outsider Devil
Red Wizard Adept( Lview
Red Wizard Adept.png
 • edit )
 ♦13Normal ♥15Hard ♠18Elite Humanoid Human
Red Wizard Necromancer( Lview
Red Wizard Necromancer.png
 • edit )
 ♦15Normal ♥17Hard ♠20Elite Humanoid Human
Ruins Ettercap Spitter( Lview
Ruins Ettercap Spitter.png
 • edit )
 ♦13Normal ♥15Hard ♠18Elite Aberration Ettercap
Ruins Ettercap( Lview
Ruins Ettercap.png
 • edit )
 ♦13Normal ♥15Hard ♠18Elite Aberration Ettercap
Ruins Fire Elemental( Lview
Ruins Fire Elemental.png
 • edit )
 ♦13Normal ♥15Hard ♠18Elite Elemental Fire Elemental
Ruins Gargoyle( Lview
Ruins Gargoyle.png
 • edit )
 ♦13Normal ♥15Hard ♠18Elite Monstrous Humanoid Gargoyle
Ruins Spider( Lview
Ruins Spider.png
 • edit )
 ♦13Normal ♥15Hard ♠18Elite Vermin Spider
Ruins Zombie( Lview
Ruins Zombie.png
 • edit )
 ♦13Normal ♥15Hard ♠18Elite Undead Zombie
Skeletal Bowman( Lview
Skeletal Bowman.png
 • edit )
 ♦13Normal ♥15Hard ♠18Elite Undead Skeleton
Skeletal Guard( Lview
Skeletal Guard.png
 • edit )
 ♦13Normal ♥15Hard ♠18Elite Undead Skeleton
Thayan Hired Assassin( Lview
Thayan Hired Assassin.png
 • edit )
 ♦13Normal ♥15Hard ♠18Elite Humanoid Human
Thayan Mercenary( Lview
Thayan Mercenary.png
 • edit )
 ♦13Normal ♥15Hard ♠18Elite Humanoid Human
Thayan Shield Guardian( Lview
Thayan Shield Guardian.png
 • edit )
 ♦13Normal Construct Golem
Thayian Bone Guard( Lview
Thayian Bone Guard.png
 • edit )
 ♦16Normal ♥18Hard ♠21Elite Undead Skeleton
Thramont the Watchful( Lview
Thramont the Watchful.png
 • edit )
 ♦17Normal ♥19Hard ♠22Elite Humanoid Human