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Helmed Horror

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Helmed Horror.jpg

Type: Construct (List)

Race: Helmed Horror (List)

Monster Manual classification: Unknown

Alignment: Lawful Evil

Color Type: Red - Strong Named Enemy

Rare: No

Organization: Solo, occasionally in pairs

CR:  ♦33Epic Normal ♥37Epic Hard ♠59Epic Elite

Attack: Elemental Greatsword (Fire/Cold/Electric-type varies)

Special Qualities: DR  ♦12Epic Normal/-, Airborne, Guarded Mind, See Invisibility, Varying elemental resistance, Negative energy Immunity, Heals from force, as well as varying elemental attacks (see below)


Description: The Helmed Horror is a tricky enemy to take on. Fleeing it is almost impossible, as it can fly up and down to whatever platform you're on, unlike most monsters. It deals moderate damage of a single elemental type, but this type changes occasionally. In addition, the Helmed Horror also restores HP from the same elemental type it is currently using. For example, if the Helmed Horror is using cold damage, it will also heal from any cold spells it takes. As a result, spell casters should be very wary of its current elemental type, although due to its lack of acid variant, acid spells are always safe to use. All other elemental types (including acid) it is not currently using it will have moderate resistance to.