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Category:Monsters in Eye Know Whodunnit

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Eye Know Whodunnit

Name ( picture ) CR Type Race
Aethor Finkleberry( view
Aethor Finkleberry.png
 • edit )
 ♦15Normal ♥17Hard ♠20Elite ♦35Epic Normal ♥39Epic Hard ♠44Epic Elite Gnome Gnome
Akylon Fiertheberr( view
Akylon Fiertheberr.png
 • edit )
 ♦15Normal ♥17Hard ♠20Elite ♦35Epic Normal ♥39Epic Hard ♠44Epic Elite Evil Outsider Rakshasa
Attack Raptor( view
Attack Raptor.png
 • edit )
 ♦12Normal ♥14Hard ♠17Elite ♦32Epic Normal ♥36Epic Hard ♠40Epic Elite Animal Dinosaur
Bernadot Smith( view
Bernadot Smith.png
 • edit )
 ♦15Normal ♥17Hard ♠20Elite ♦35Epic Normal ♥39Epic Hard ♠44Epic Elite Orc Half-Orc
Clarissa Boromar( view
Clarissa Boromar.png
 • edit )
 ♦15Normal ♥17Hard ♠20Elite ♦35Epic Normal ♥39Epic Hard ♠44Epic Elite Halfling Halfling
Conspiracy Theorist( view
Conspiracy Theorist.png
 • edit )
 ♦12Normal ♥14Hard ♠17Elite ♦32Epic Normal ♥36Epic Hard ♠40Epic Elite Gnome Gnome
Construction Worker( view
Construction Worker.png
 • edit )
 ♦12Normal ♥14Hard ♠17Elite ♦32Epic Normal ♥36Epic Hard ♠40Epic Elite Humanoid Human
Dannis Derpenshire( view
Dannis Derpenshire.png
 • edit )
 ♦15Normal ♥17Hard ♠20Elite ♦35Epic Normal ♥39Epic Hard ♠44Epic Elite Good Outsider Angel
Haunted Veteran( view
Haunted Veteran.png
 • edit )
 ♦12Normal ♥14Hard ♠17Elite ♦32Epic Normal ♥36Epic Hard ♠40Epic Elite Orc Half-Orc
Hidden Hand Ritualist( view
Hidden Hand Ritualist.png
 • edit )
 ♦12Normal ♥14Hard ♠17Elite ♦32Epic Normal ♥36Epic Hard ♠40Epic Elite Humanoid Human
Kobold Shinymancer( view
Kobold Shinymancer.png
 • edit )
 ♦12Normal ♥14Hard ♠17Elite ♦32Epic Normal ♥36Epic Hard ♠40Epic Elite Reptilian Kobold
Loud Kobold( view
Loud Kobold.png
 • edit )
 ♦12Normal ♥14Hard ♠17Elite ♦32Epic Normal ♥36Epic Hard ♠40Epic Elite Reptilian Kobold
Loud Pupper( view
Loud Pupper.png
 • edit )
 ♦12Normal ♥14Hard ♠17Elite ♦32Epic Normal ♥36Epic Hard ♠40Epic Elite Magical Beast Hellhound
Louder Kobold( view
Louder Kobold.png
 • edit )
 ♦14Normal ♥16Hard ♠19Elite ♦34Epic Normal ♥38Epic Hard ♠43Epic Elite Reptilian Kobold
Misguided Matron( view
Misguided Matron.png
 • edit )
 ♦12Normal ♥14Hard ♠17Elite ♦32Epic Normal ♥36Epic Hard ♠40Epic Elite Dwarf Dwarf
Opportunistic Thug( view
Opportunistic Thug.png
 • edit )
 ♦12Normal ♥14Hard ♠17Elite ♦32Epic Normal ♥36Epic Hard ♠40Epic Elite Elf Elf
Raving Fan( view
Raving Fan.png
 • edit )
 ♦12Normal ♥14Hard ♠17Elite ♦32Epic Normal ♥36Epic Hard ♠40Epic Elite Elf Elf
Syndicate Burglar( view
Syndicate Burglar.png
 • edit )
 ♦12Normal ♥14Hard ♠17Elite ♦32Epic Normal ♥36Epic Hard ♠40Epic Elite Halfling Halfling
Syndicate Lookout( view
Syndicate Lookout.png
 • edit )
 ♦12Normal ♥14Hard ♠17Elite ♦32Epic Normal ♥36Epic Hard ♠40Epic Elite Halfling Halfling
Syndicate Racketeer( view
Syndicate Racketeer.png
 • edit )
 ♦12Normal ♥14Hard ♠17Elite ♦32Epic Normal ♥36Epic Hard ♠40Epic Elite Halfling Halfling
Syndicate Trainer( view
Syndicate Trainer.png
 • edit )
 ♦14Normal ♥16Hard ♠19Elite ♦34Epic Normal ♥38Epic Hard ♠43Epic Elite Halfling Halfling
Union Member( view
Union Member.png
 • edit )
 ♦12Normal ♥14Hard ♠17Elite ♦32Epic Normal ♥36Epic Hard ♠40Epic Elite Dwarf Dwarf
Union Sympathizer( view
Union Sympathizer.png
 • edit )
 ♦12Normal ♥14Hard ♠17Elite ♦32Epic Normal ♥36Epic Hard ♠40Epic Elite Dwarf Dwarf
Warforged Laborer( view
Warforged Laborer.png
 • edit )
 ♦12Normal ♥14Hard ♠17Elite ♦32Epic Normal ♥36Epic Hard ♠40Epic Elite Living Construct Warforged