Year of the Dragon: Through 31st July, claim free Red Dragon Wyrmling Creature companion! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes. edit

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All-Seeing Ulthraat

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"As if Flesh Renders weren't already disturbing enough to look at, this one's shifty eyes escalate it to new levels of unnerving."

All-Seeing Ulthraat.png

Type: Evil Outsider (List)

Race: Demon (List)

Sub-race: Fleshrender (List)

Monster Manual classification: Flesh Render

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Color Type: Red - Strong Named Enemy

Rare: Yes

CR:  ♠29Elite

Special Qualities: DR  ♠15Elite/Byeshk, See Invisibility, Spell Resistance, Immune to poison, Resistant to acid, fire and cold


Description: Has an eye in his belly and tail.