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Ancient Warforged
Type: Living Construct (List)
Sub-race: Quorforged (List)
Monster Manual classification: Warforged
Alignment: True Neutral
Rare: No
Organization: Usually packs of 4
CR: ♠9Elite
Attack: Light Hammer (Bludgeoning + Acid Burst + Cold) or (Fire + Shaken (Twilight Forge only)), Throwing dagger (piercing + slicing blow)
- Pool of Reflection
- Dreams of Insanity
- The Twilight Forge — Green puzzle, Yellow Puzzle, and under the boss platform
- The Titan Awakes
- Ghost of a Chance — Not a Quorforged, attack with a non-magical sickle (Slashing, Sneak attack) or bow (Piercing) and possess no DR — CR: ♦4Normal ♥6Hard ♠9Elite
Description: This entry is primarily based on the powerful Quorforged drones encountered in Dreams of Insanity and The Titan Awakes - the differences applying to the Ghost of a Chance Warforged are summarised above.