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Altar of the Devourer

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Type: Construct (List)

Race: Inanimate Object (List)

Monster Manual classification: Unknown

Alignment: Neutral Evil

Rare: No

CR: 0.00

Attack: None

Special Qualities: None


Description: Altars of the Devourer are inanimate objects that need to be destroyed in Heyton's Rest. The first three yield crests which allow you to continue to get to the fourth one, which is necessary to complete the quest. They count towards the kills bonus of the quest rather than the breakables bonus. Because of their evil alignment, weapons and abilities that do extra damage to evil creatures (such as good-aligned weapons or the paladin's Smite Evil ability) will destroy them more quickly. Construct Bane or Smiting weaponry will also work very well, although very rare for low-level characters.