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Gargoyle Scoundrel

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Gargoyle Scoundrel.png

Type: Monstrous Humanoid (List)

Race: Gargoyle (List)

Monster Manual classification: Gargoyle

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Rare: No

Organization: 2

CR:  ♦22Epic Normal ♥30Epic Hard


Description: Enjoys playing paradoxes with his friend.

  • Gargoyle A: I always lie.
  • Gargoyle B: Funny you should say that...
  • Gargoyle A: ... why do you hate me?
  • Gargoyle B: ... because you see, that statement can't possibly be a lie. It's logically impossible to be either. Oh, and because you're ugly.
  • Gargoyle A: Alright, I didn't lie once. Are you happy now?
  • Gargoyle B: Once? I get you to say the truth ALL the time!
  • Gargoyle A: That's an ugly lie! How dare you?!
  • Gargoyle B: Hah! You did it again! This never gets old.
  • Gargoyle A: Why you little... AARRRGHHH! I WILL KILL YOU!
  • Gargoyle B: Bring it, stone-face!