Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.

In addition, if you missed the initial giveaway for Slice of Life, you can claim it from Trilliya in the Hall of Heroes on Cormyr only through 5th February. edit

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Item:Siberys Dragonshard Fragment

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Siberys Dragonshard Fragment icon.png
DDO Examination Panel

  • Name: Siberys Dragonshard Fragment
  • Type: This is a raw material used in crafting.
  • Base Value: 1 pp
  • Weight: 0.00 lbs
  • Bind: UnboundIcon tooltip.pngUnbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage.
  • Drops from: Chests, Breakables
  • Used in: Cannith Crafting, Siberys Dragonshard Combiner ,Stone of Change


A tiny shard of a translucent crystal containing shimmering golden veins, pulsing with The Dragon Above.

Specifically, they are used to create both enchanted ammunition and runestones, and also can be combined to satisfy the requirements of Fred, to change one Feat in your character.

Update 56, Siberys Dragonshard Fragments have replaced Khyber Dragonshard Fragments as the ingredient used to bind items in the Stone of Change.

Update 61, Fred is able to convert Siberys Dragonshards and fragments using a barter interface.

Siberys Dragonshard Combiner

Siberys Dragonshard Combiner UI

Fred is able to combine Siberys Dragonshard Fragments and Siberys Dragonshards into higher tier Siberys Dragonshards with the Siberys Dragonshard Combiner UI by selecting the dialog option : May I exchange some Dragonshards before we begin?

Siberys Dragonshards
100 Siberys Dragonshard Fragments 1 Flawed Siberys Dragonshard
10 Flawed Siberys Dragonshards 1 Imperfect Siberys Dragonshard
10 Imperfect Siberys Dragonshards 1 Siberys Dragonshard
10 Siberys Dragonshards 1 Exceptional Siberys Dragonshard
10 Exceptional Siberys Dragonshards 1 Flawless Siberys Dragonshard

Stone of Change conversions

100 Flawed Siberys Dragonshard
1,000 Imperfect Siberys Dragonshard
10,000 Siberys Dragonshard
100,000 Exceptional Siberys Dragonshard
1,000,000 Flawless Siberys Dragonshard

See also: Siberys Dragonshard