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Kor Kaza (dracolich)

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Kor Kaza (Dracolich).png

Kor Kaza <The Mad>

Type: Dragon (List)

Race: Blue Dragon (List)

Sub-race: Dracolich (List)

Monster Manual classification: Unknown

Alignment: Unknown

Boss: Purple Named - Powerful Boss

CR:  ♦35Epic Normal ♥39Epic Hard ♠44Epic Elite

Attack: Bite (Piercing), Claw (Slashing), Tail Whip (Bludgeoning + Knockdown), Wing Buffet - throws players across the room, Electric Breath - massive electrical damage, reflex save for half

Special Qualities: Stacking lightning vulnerability debuff


Description: Raid boss. If not being actively attacked, will add progress to a quest failure objective - reach 100% and Stormreach is doomed...

For her appearance in Riding the Storm Out, see Kor Kaza.