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Frost Giant sub-race

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A typical frost giant


Frost Giants are one of the True Giants, being from the Giant type and Giant race.


A frost giant’s hair can be light blue or dirty yellow, and its eyes usually match its hair color. Frost giants dress in skins and pelts, along with any jewelry they own. Frost giant warriors add chain shirts and metal helmets decorated with horns or feathers.


  • Frost Giants have massive amounts of hit points, and often attack you in large numbers.
  • Frost Giants are not fond of the heat as they are vulnerable to fire.
  • Many frost giants are clumsy, sporting a Dexterity of 9. A combination of Exhaustion effects and Dexterity damage can swiftly render them helpless.
  • Frost giants fit their lumbering stereotype and have a slow attack speed.



  • Frost Giants made their first appearance in DDO in 2008.
  • Some Frost Giants can live to be 250 years old!
  • Frost Giants are extremely sturdy - even the weakest of them have in excess of two thousand hit points before dungeon scaling. On Hard and Elite difficulties, these giants are sturdier still. No wonder they live so long!
  • White Dragons are frequently captured and enslaved to guard Frost Giant camps.
  • The Coin Lords assure citizens that snow and ice ramps of the Risia Ice Games are not capable of attracting Frost Giants into the city despite the Giant's affinity for the cold.
  • A Frost Giant's eyes usually match their hair color.
  • Though they may appear enormous to most Stormreach Adventurers, Frost Giants are only the third tallest of the Giant types!

Creature Entries (19)[edit]